AlcoSense Excel Bränslecell Alkoholmätare

"Aftonbladet 'Bäst i test', Evo Magazine Group Test Winner och Auto Express Magazine Best Buy."

AlcoSense Excel innehåller en 64mm2 version av exakt samma bränslecellsensor som används i polisens alkoholmätare. Excels sensor är identisk med versionen, som polisen använder, bara i mindre skala. vilket ger Excel oöverträffad noggrannhet i förhållande till sitt pris.


  • AlcoSense Excel Awards
  • AlcoSense Excel
  • AlcoSense Excel - Under Limit, Alcohol Present

Group Test Winner


Rating: ★★★★★

"AlcoSense Excel har tilldelats MHF:s toppbetyg:” Pålitlig & Driftsäker ”i MHFs konsumenttest 2019"

AlcoSense Excel blev utsedd till "Bäst i test" i Aftonbladets jämförelse i augusti 2020 och ansågs bättre än konkurrenterna, som var nästan dubbelt så dyra.

4 augusti 2020

AlcoSense Excel Bränslecell Alkoholmätare

Fördelar med Excel:

- 64mm2 Bränslecellsensor - mindre version av polisens sensor
- Nästan dubbelt så noggrann som prisbelönta AlcoSense Elite
- 48 mm TFT-skärm i fullfärg
- Fungerar med alla gränsvärden i världen
- Omkalibrerings-varning
- Prisbelönt produktdesign

Excel är designad av AlcoSense i Storbritannien och använder samma prisbelönta utformning som AlcoSense Pro och Ultra. Det ger en bränslecell alkoholmätare i topp med enastående noggrannhet och funktionalitet.


Fuel Cell Accuracy

Excel använder en 64mm²-version av exakt samma 200mm²-bränslecellsensor som används i polisens alkoholmätare i flera brittiska, amerikanska och europeiska länder samt i vår AlcoSense Ultra. Många märken hävdar att de har “Polismätare” eller liknande endast för att de använder en bränslecellsensor. Men alla bränslecells sensorer är inte likadana... Sensorerna i Excel är identiska med dem som polisen använder, bara mindre. Det ger Excel oöverträffad noggrannhet på denna prisnivå.


Beräkning av andningsvolym med temperaturkompensation

Det mest exakta sättet att mäta alkohol i utandningen är att mäta den djupa lungluften. För att komma åt denna luft måste användaren blåsa ut 1 liter luft innan avläsning utförs. Om avläsningen tas för tidigt kan andningsapparaten ge låga eller inkonsekventa avläsningar. De flesta konkurrerande produkter på denna prisnivå förlitar sig på att använda en timer för att uppskatta när 1 liter luft har passerat. Men användare blåser med olika tryck, vilket innebär att den faktiska volymen som har andats ut, när mätningen görs, kan variera. Det leder till att mätningen kan göras vid fel tidpunkt och en felaktig läsning visas då för användaren.

AlcoSense Excel känner av andningsvolymen som andats ut under mätningen och gör avläsningen när 1 liter luft har passerat, vilket säkerställer den mest exakta och konsekventa mätningen. För att förbättra noggrannheten finjusteras avläsningarna efter temperaturen – så oavsett om det är värmebölja eller det värsta snöovädret på 30 år, kommer Excel att kompensera temperaturen för att säkerställa högsta möjliga precision.


Eliminerar felaktig avläsning med för lågt resultat.

Varje alkoholmätare har en noggrannhets-tolerans på +/- X.XX av avläsningen - ju lägre tal, desto mer exakt är alkoholtestarens mätning. AlcoSense Excel har en smart inbyggd programvara för att eliminera felaktig avläsning - dvs. istället för att ha en tolerans på +/- 0,1 ‰ BAC, är AlcoSense Pros tolerans + 0,10 ‰ BAC, -0,00 ‰ BAC. Det betyder att Excel alltid läser av resultatet som lite högre - än lägre - för att vara på den säkra sidan, resultatet är mer än dubbelt så precist som den prisbelönta AlcoSense Elite.


Bokstavligen alla gränsvärden i hela världen.

Med det enkla menysystemet kan AlcoSense Excel ställas in till valfri gräns, var som helst i världen. Du kan justera måttenheten för avläsningen mellan mg/l (andningsalkohol) och ‰ BAC (blodalkohol) samt promillegräns och andningsförhållande. Om du reser utomlands är allt du behöver göra att ställa in de tre parametrarna enligt tabellen i användarhandboken. Perfekt för gränspendlare eller till och med resor mellan hela kontinenter.


Prisbelönt produktdesignn

Vi är stolta över att meddela att AlcoSense Excel har vunnit German Design Award 2018. Produkten vann kategoripriset 'Medical, Rehabilition and Health" för utmärkt design.

Detaljerade resultat som är enkla att förstå

AlcoSense Excel har en fullfärgad 1,8 tum (48 mm) TFT-skärm som ger tydliga och detaljerade avläsningar av din alkoholnivå, allt efter ditt val – mätning av utandning (mg / L) eller blod (‰ BAC). Om du är nära eller över den valda gränsen varnar Excel dig att inte köra bil.


Excel lagrar dina senaste 24 avläsningar i sitt minne för enkel granskning i ett senare skede. Om du behöver ett större minne eller vill ha datum- och tidsangivelser också – välj då AlcoSense Pro eller Ultra.

Grafiskt gränssnitt som är enkelt att använda

Excels programvara bygger på samma lättanvända plattform som de prisbelönta Pro och Ultra. Excel ger dig anvisningar och instruktioner på skärmen i ett enkelt och lättanvänt menysystem.


Bakgrundsbelyst "Twin" blåsrörsreceptor

Excel har en bakgrundsbelyst blåsrörsreceptor så det är enkelt att sätta i ett nytt munstycke även i svagt ljus. Excel fungerar med både “Pro” -munstyckena som har en envägsventil för att eliminera förorening från tidigare mätningar för att säkerställa ultimat noggrannhet eller de "vanliga" blåsrören som används av AlcoSense Lite och Elite.

 Backlit blow tube hole for low light use


Alla alkoholmätare kräver omkalibrering efter en period av användning. AlcoSense Excel har en branschledande kalibreringsperiod på 12 månader från första gången du använder produkten. För att förbättra tillförlitligheten och användarvänligheten påminner AlcoSense Excel dig om att kalibrera efter 11 månaders användning. När kalibreringen löper ut är det bara att skicka mätaren till oss så kommer vi att kalibrera den åt dig med hjälp av specifika andningssimulatorer som polisen också använder. Vi returnerar mätaren till dig inom 5 arbetsdagar.


Om en alkoholmätare används under förhållande som avviker från mätarens normala driftstemperatur, kan du få felaktiga avläsningar. Temperaturen kan påverka kvaliteten på reaktionen inuti sensorn. För din säkerhet och din trygghet kommer AlcoSense Excel att varna dig om enheten används i temperaturer som avviker från 5 ° C ~ 40 ° C och påverkar kvaliteten på mätningarna (notera att driftstemperaturen är enhetens temperatur, inte den omgivande lufttemperaturen). Detta betyder att, till skillnad från konkurrerande varumärken, kommer Excel aldrig att låta dig utföra ett test om det finns risk att få ett opålitligt resultat.


Till skillnad från konkurrerande varumärken skyddar AlcoSense Excel dig också från felaktigheter orsakade av "Sensormättnad". Sensormättnad kan påverka alla alkoholmätare, inklusive polisens mätare och uppstår när extremt höga alkoholnivåer blåses direkt in i sensorn. Normalt händer detta när ett andningstest utförs strax efter att man har druckit, när alkohol fortfarande finns i munnen. Sensorn blir då överbelastad, och så kallad ”mättnad” uppstår. Avläsningar som tas efter detta kan vara opålitliga tills sensorn har återställs. För din säkerhet och trygghet kommer AlcoSense Excel då att gå in i ett skyddsläge som gör att sensorn kan återhämta sig innan ytterligare tester tillåts, för att säkerställa att potentiellt opålitliga avläsningar inte uppstår.

Garanterad kvalitet & tillförlitlighet

Quality Assured with ISO13485

AlcoSense Excel tillverkas i enlighet med ISO13485, riktmärket för kvalitetssystem för medicintekniska produkter. Efter kalibrering testas varje enhet tre gånger. På så vis säkerställer vi noggrannheten innan den lämnar fabriken, vilket betyder att Excel är en enhet du kan lita på


Additional Information

Suitable forConsumer Use, Workplace Use
AwardsAuto Express Best Buy 2018, EVO Product Test Winner , Auto Express Best Buy 2017, Auto Express Top Products of 2016, Auto Express Best Buy 2016, Red Dot 2016
Certified StandardISO13485
Product Accuracy+0.15‰BAC, -0.00‰BAC
Sensor TypeFuel Cell
Sensor Size (mm²)64 mm²
Police SensorSmaller version of exactly the same fuel cell sensor used in several UK, US and European Police breathalysers
Breath Sampling SystemIntermediate
Don't Drive Alert When Close to LimitYes
Adjustable Don’t Drive Alert LevelAdjustable - Any Limit Manual
BlowCoach* - Real time blowing feedbackNo
Features - Ease of UseBacklit Mouthpiece Receiver, Don't Drive Alert When Close to Limit, Re-Calibration Reminder, USB Port for Updates & Improvements
Features - AccuracyBreath Sampling Sensors, Sensor Overload Protection, Sensor Purge for Better Accuracy, Temperature Compensation
Unit of Measuremg/L (Breath Alc), ‰BAC (Blood Alc)
Reading DetailUp to 2 decimal places
Max Reading2.0
Test Memory24 Tests
Screen Size48mm
Screen TypeFull Colour TFT
Mouthpiece TypeBlow Tubes, Professional Mouthpieces
Re-Calibration Period12 Months
Re-Calibration Cost£29.99
Expiry DateNo
Product Dimensions(H x W x D): 107 x 55 x 29 mm
Product Weight147g (Including Batteries)
In The Box1 x Breathalyzer, 3 x AAA Batteries, 5 x Professional Mouthpieces, Instruction Manual, Micro USB Cable
Warranty12 Months (Register your unit for 3 years)
Media Reviews

Media Reviews

Bäst i test

“Alcosense Excel gav mycket tillförlitliga mätvärden i alla deltester, och luften till proverna tas från den djupa lungluften, vilket  ger mer korrekta mätvärden. En del alkomätare slutar ta in luft från den som blåser för tidigt och då kan mätvärdet bli missvisande. Funktionellt är Drivesafe Elite på samma nivå. Men Alcosense Excel är en av de alkomätare i testet som har det överlägset bästa gränssnittet. Den kommunicerar tydligt med användaren både med hjälp av färgskärmen och den information som visas. Där visas till exempel när det är dags för nästa kalibrering varje gang du slår på den. Alcosense Excel är enkel att förstå och lätt att använda, om än lite tyngre än några av konkurrenterna.” 

4th August 2020

Read the full article here


Rating: ★★★★★

"AlcoSense Excel har tilldelats MHF:s toppbetyg:” Pålitlig & Driftsäker ”i MHFs konsumenttest 2019

Januari 2020

Rating: ★★★★★

“precisionen och användarvänlighet”


Sunday Times Driving Review of the AlcoSense Excel


"Christmas can be a boozy time of year and many revellers hit the road the morning after a drop too many. Do them (and other road users) a favour with this breathalyser from top brand AlcoSense. We tested the AlcoSense Pro before Christmas last year but this new model promises even more."

Read the full article here.

Telegraph review of the AlcoSense Excel


"the Excel was compared with the results from a £2,000 police breathalyser. The police unit gave a reading of 0.333mg/L... with the same alcohol sample, the Excel gave an exact reading of 0.339mg/L."

Read the full article here

The Guardian Breathalyzer Review


“The AlcoSense Excel is [for] those who rely on their license for work or play, and who seek reliability and accuracy at an affordable price. We tested the accuracy of the AlcoSense Excel against a £13,000 evidential breathalyser used in Police stations and the readings were almost identical.”

Read the full review here (the article is below the Volvo Review)


“It’s an easy-to-use personal breathalyser that can be set up for use in different countries with different drink-drive limits. It is chunkily-constructed and is designed to give accurate, trustworthy readings"

Read the full article here


"it's easier than you think to unintentionally drink drive the morning after a boozy Christmas evening if you went a bit too far with the Bailey's the night before...the AlcoSense Excel brings a new level of accuracy and reliability for drivers, a great passive-aggressive Christmas gift for your favourite booze hound friend"

Read the full review here


"Setup is straightforward...Using the device is incredibly easy. It's quick, clear and leaves you in little doubt about whether you're over the limit or not.... AlcoSense Excel offers far greater accuracy and can be used again and again, handy for anyone who drives for a living."

Read the ful review here

Evo Magazine


"Class leading accuracy"

30th November 2017

Rating: ★★★★★


“The AlcoSense Excel tells you unequivocally if you’re okay to drive. It’s reusable, looks great, and has earned a reputation as one of the best affordable breathalyzers on the market. It gives readings that reliably match those given by official (£13,000!) police readers; incredible given that it costs less than 100.”

Read the full review here

18th May 2017

Rating: ★★★★★
Winner: Recommended Award

“AlcoSense Excel and Pro review: Are these the best breathalysers in the business?”

“Yes. The AlcoSense Excel and especially the Pro are great products. They’re easy to use and packed with thoughtful features and, most importantly, they’re accurate. But is it worth your while spending up to £150 on one? … Absolutely. These devices will tell you unequivocally and, with absolute clarity, if you’re okay or not to drive.”

Read the full review here

19th May 2017

Rating: 9/10 

“The AlcoSense was consistent in both tests when compared to the calibrated alcometer [Lion 500 Police Breathalyser]. That's quite impressive… In the few weeks I've had the unit I've had no issues with testing, the unit has consistently produced a reading that matches what I expected given the drinks consumed.

It's compact, easy to use and reliable. If you're in the market for a breathalyser then you can't go wrong with this one.”

Read the full review here

Total 911 AlcoSense Excel Breathalyser Review

May 2017 Issue

"AlcoSense Excel is the perfect travel partner"


"Overall the Excel is incredibly simple to use, lightweight and can offer a sense of reassurance when you wake up. Although the AlcoSense Excel retails for £99.99, the sound of mind this product can provide is priceless."

Read the full review here




"It's extremely simple to use and fairly foolproof.....its accuracy and reliability make it a good choice.....the AlcoSense Excel is a reasonably priced way to get an accurate gauge on blood alcohol level" 

Read the full review here 

Motorverso Review of AlcoSense Excel


"If you are looking for a personal breathalyser, then get the AlcoSense Excel breathalyser...a high quality fuel cell breathalyser which has outstanding functions and accuracy to a sub-£100 price point."

Read the full review here

We tried the AlcoSense Excel to find out how easy aftermarket breath testers are to use. The Excel seems like a lot but it can be reused as many times as you like. This means you don't have to keep buying cheaper one-shot breath test kits. Another advantage of the AlcoSense tester is you can easily adjust the limit to match the legal drink-drive threshold of whatever country you're in.

Read the full review here

MMM Breathalyser Award

July 2017 Issue of Motorhome Motorcaravan Monthly

“highly accurate and reliable, and has a compact and easy-to-use design. It features a slide mechanism

that keeps the sensor and blow tube receptacle covered when not in use, and the colour screen makes levels of tipsiness easy to read. Also, limits can easily be adjusted to the country you’re travelling in”

Frost Magazine


"We could not be more of a fan of this.....It is superb value and it can save your life and your job.....A brilliant device to keep in your bag"

"We can't recommend it enough"

Read the full review here

GadgetHead masthead

Rating: ★★★★★

"The Excel's sensor is identical to the law enforcement version, just smaller, giving the Excel unrivalled accuracy at this price point"

"At only £100 there are no negatives to the Excel....and with the positives being potentially lifesaving it is a worthwhile investment"

Read the full review here

March 2017

Rating: ★★★★★

"It's simple to you an instant reading... a valuable piece of kit. Highly recommended."

Retro Cars Breathalyser Review AlcoSense Excel

May 2017 Issue

Awarded "Top Gadget" May 2017

"There's no doubt every car should have one of these in the glovebox!"

March 2017

"We used a breath alcohol simulator, the same equipment used for calibration and accuracy checking Police evidential breathalysers, to compare the readings of the Excel and a £1,700 Police breathalyser. Both the Excel and the Police breathalyser showed exactly the same."

Customer Reviews

Rated 4.8/5 from 245 customer reviews

Easy to use and seems accurate

by Mattias on 2024-09-01

Got it today, so far very happy with it, easy to use, seems accurate and I really like the history of previous tests. However, a timestamp for the history would be nice
Super bra

by Jimmie on 2024-07-18

Toppen mätare, som fyller sin funktion. Lätt använd och pålitlig. Rekommenderas starkt!
Very good product (Excel)

by HNO on 2024-07-12

Got this product to be able to visit winetastings and still be able to drive home. Only tested it but works well and is easy to handle.
Prisvärd och bra mätare

by Johan on 2024-06-19

Lättanvänd mätare. Gick fort att komma igång, trots avsaknad av svensk instruktionsbok. Rekommenderas.
Prisvärd Mätare

by JTSOHAN on 2024-06-17

Verkar vara en rejäl och pålitlig produkt för hemmabruk. Känns solid. Lättanvänd trots att den saknar svensk bruksanvisning. Snabb och tydlig avläsning. Förvaring av munstycken saknas dock. Prisvärd! Rekommenderas
Riktigt bra

by Oscar on 2024-04-28

Min far har en den funkar riktigt bra så ville ha en när jag fick körkortet och den funkar toppen
Över förväntan!

by Kevan S on 2024-04-23

Måste säga att denna produkt är välgjord och har en snygg design som är enkel för alla att förstå. Rekommenderar!
Enkel att använda

by Anderberg on 2024-04-09

Funkar fint, lätt att ta med sig på resan. Bra instruktionsbok. Helt enkelt ett bra köp till bra pris!
Mycket nöjd!

by Anders F on 2024-03-10

Har använt AlcoSense en kort tid men är mycket nöjd. Enkel hantering och bra instruktionsbok. Har inte strulat någon gång. Bara nöjd...

by Millis on 2024-03-02

Super lätt att använda och förstå sig på.
Nöjd nöjd nöjd.☺️

by Kattis on 2024-02-17

Bra pris och lätt att använda

by Philip on 2024-01-29

Jag har köpt en alcosense excel och är positivt överraskad att den känns proffsig och är lätt att använda

by Gw on 2024-01-20

Funkar som den ska verkar indikera på rätt alkoholnivå :)
Very good.

by Johanna on 2024-01-02

Very good product. Reliable and easy to use.
Lättanvänd och prisvärd

by Mattias K on 2023-12-28

Mycket smidigt format och väldigt användarvänlig. Tydlig display med den informationen man behöver, varken more or less.
Kan rekommendera att köpa till förvaringspåsen.
Lättanvänd och pålitlig

by Lisakjellerstedt on 2023-11-25

Den visar korrekta värden ( om man jämför med vad som borde vara rimligt samt vad andra alkoholmätare visar) viktigt är ju såklart att man följer instruktionen att vänta minst 30 min efter alkoholintag för att det inte ska bli fel. Den har även tydliga och lätta instruktioner på displayen och i instruktionsboken. Saknar förvaringspåse eller låda.
Funkar som förväntat

by RichardK on 2023-11-12

Känns som en kvalitetsprodukt. Funkar som förväntat. Bra att det är AAA batterier. Saknas påse/fodral.
Superbra produkt.

by Pinnen on 2023-09-30

Bra produkt med bra pris. Lättanvänd och tillförlitlig.
Easy to use.

by FredricNL on 2023-09-15

Easy to understand and use. Price is fair.
Great product, decent price.

by Tobbe on 2023-09-14

Very user friendly and decent price compared to other brands.
A very good product

by Stefan on 2023-09-06

I think it is easy to handle and solid.
Bra kvalite

by Rickard on 2023-09-02

Produkten är lätt att använda och ger ett intryck av kvalite rakt igenom
Väldigt enkel ett använda

by Lisa on 2023-08-27

Har länge tänkt att vi ska köpa en alkomätare men det dröjde innan vi kom till skott. Det va svårt att veta vilka modeller som är pålitliga utan att behöva lägga en förmögenhet. Denna har fått bra betyg och har ett rimligt pris. Köpte på Elgiganten online, snabb leverans. Den är liten och lätt att ha med. Enkel att använda och förstå. Du får snabbt svar på din mätning. Rekommenderat den till flera vänner som också funderat på att köpa en alkomätare.
Prisvärd och funktionell

by Hans on 2023-07-27

En alkoholmätare som gör vad den ska, varje gång. Produkten har fått bra recensioner och den har fungerat som förväntat. Det enda som hindrar mig från att ge den fem stjärnor är att det saknas svenska instruktioner.
Mycket bra produkt

by svenssonGT on 2023-07-25

Mycket bra alkomätare som visar pålitligt och är mycket lätt att använda även när man är några glas in på kvällen. Kan verkligen rekommendera denna produkt.
Köp den!

by Anna on 2023-07-14

Med ungdomar hemma så är detta en mycket bra pryl att ha hemma. För våra gäster och yngre medlemmar att se alkoholens ppverkan på dem.
Bra köp!

by Ludvig on 2023-07-12

Enkel att komma igång med och att använda. Tydlig display med färg. Resultaten vid utandning verkar vara tillförlitliga.
Jag rekommenderar denna produkten.
Bra och billig

by Elake Björn on 2023-07-08

Startade en husbilstripp på tre veckor idag och köpte en Alcosense excel på Netonet på vägen söderut för att inte köra med alkohol i kroppen någon morgon.
Lätt att använda och bra pris????
Jätte enkelt att använda

by Alexandra @ on 2023-07-05

liten, smidigt, enkelt att läsa av.
Mycket bra!

by Jimmy on 2023-07-04

Smidig och väldigt användarvänlig, känns som en kvalitetsprodukt. Ger ett resultat snabbt. Jag har ingen anledning att tvivla på tillförlitligheten
Smidig och bra

by Markus on 2023-07-03

Bra att man kan ställa in nivåerna för olika länder om man är ute och reser.
Smidig storlek att ha med sig när man reser.
Fungerar klockrent
Funkar fint

by Johan Doe on 2023-06-22

Bra pryl, enkel att använda går snabbt.
Best value for price

by MickPson on 2023-06-17

I bought this product at Kjell&Company and so far this seems to be a perfect replacement for my old one. Easy to use, accurate values and a handy format.

by Mathias J on 2023-06-17

Köpte den idag och kom igång att testa väldigt snabbt vid första uppstart. Känns som den är gediget byggd och enkel att använda.
Bra ????????

by Elin G on 2023-06-16

Jättebra produkt, lätt att komma igång. Verkar visa trovärdiga resultat. Köpte väskan till som kanske skulle kunna vara snäppet större för att få plats med rören på ett bättre sätt, men annars toppen.
Enkelt och bra

by Mike80 on 2023-06-04

Väldigt enkelt, funkar bra

by Stefan Br on 2023-05-24

Väldigt enkel att använda. Visar resultat även strax under gränsen 0,2 så man ser om man är nära eller inte
Easy and trustly

by PT Niklas on 2023-05-06

I bought this product today and tested it when I got home. It works without problems and I got a quick result that was reliable. very small and easy to carry or carry with you. Very easy to maneuver in the menu.

by Daniel on 2023-05-01

Köpte just min andra för att ha på landet. Helt krångelfri och ger mycket bra mätresultat när jag testat olika nivåer.
Lätt att använda

by Gustaf on 2023-04-03

Väldigt lättförståelig meny och enkel att använda. Dock måste man vänta ganska länge efter att man druckit för att det ska ge rätt utslag. Överlag en mycket bra produkt.
Denna produkt va bra

by Luna on 2023-02-21

Mycket bättre än de flesta andra som finns. Tack ????
Easy and reliable

by DanneH on 2023-02-11

It's very easy to set up the first time. Handling is superb and the results seems reliable. No more taking chances the day after an evening out.
Enkel och solid

by Christian on 2023-02-10

Solid och enkel att använda! Så långt funkar den fint, läsa o följa instruktionerna är lätta och följer man dessa verkar det fungera. Känns prisvärd, klart man inte har facit hur exakt det är, men det har man ju inte med dubbelt så dyra heller. Kan rekommendera
Enkelt handhavande och rekommenderad

by Carl on 2023-01-26

Enkel set-up/användande och högt rekommenderad av flera tillförlitliga professionella testare. Smidig storlek och solitt byggd. Enkel meny och handhavande. Såvitt jag kan avgöra rättvisande resultat.

by Niklas on 2023-01-07

Enkel att använda. Hittills inte noterat några misstänkta felvärden. Går att testa flera personer i rad utan större påverkan som med andra märken.
Excellent product

by Anders Johansson on 2023-01-03

Very good product. Easy to use. Safe. Nice design.
Bra mätare till priset

by Stillsam on 2023-01-02

Har testat ett par andra mätare tidigare och denna är absolut lättast och tydligast att använda av dom allihop. En bra och prisvärd mätare.
Bra alkomätare för billig peng

by Barding on 2022-12-24

Har tidigare använt dräger som kostar det dubbla. I förhållande till prislapp och den funktion den här fyller så måste jag säga att det är en riktigt bra och prisvärd alkomätare.
Great and modern

by Ehdbom on 2022-12-09

En av de billigare men också faktiskt bra alkomätare. Skulle säga att denna är riktigt bra för priset. Man kan både byta batteri och uppdatera mjukvaran vilket är ett stort plus.
Enda minuset är väl att det finns risk för att den låser sig i 24h om man blåser för tätt inpå efter man druckit.
Mycket bra

by LindaK on 2022-11-05

Snabb och enkel att använda
Snabb och lättanvänd, känns pålitlig

by isaelis on 2022-10-30

Den fungerar väldigt bra, enkel att använda och känns pålitlig. Kan rekommendera den.
Prisvärd och enkel att komma igång med

by Jani on 2022-08-29

Var på jakt efter en alkomätare som var prisvärd och såg enkel ut att använda. Måste säga att denna produkten verkligen uppfyllde mina krav och önskemål. Jättenkel att komma igång tack vare vägledning vid första start som grafiskt visar på skärmen om val av språk, gränsvärde osv. Det som gör att jag inte ger 5 av 5 är att det inte medföljer en påse eller förvaring för alkomätaren samt att batterierna som medföljer inte är uppladdningsbara vilket vore mer miljövänligt. Annars är det en produkt jag starkt rekommenderar och testade mot andra betydligt dyrare alkomätare och de visade väldigt liknande resultat.
Den gör sitt jobb för ett bra pris

by Sebbe on 2022-08-26

Väldigt simpel att använda
Verkar vara riktigt bar

by KristerRindmyr on 2022-08-23

Saknar endast lilla väskan för mätaren+munstycken.
Tycker att den borde ingå då det alltid är flera delar att hålla reda på.

by Kicki on 2022-08-20

Lätt att komma igång med och tydlig svar.
Bra och tydlig till ett bra pris

by StefanB on 2022-08-08

Kan starkt rekommendera den då den är enkel att använda och ger tydliga svar.
Very usable!

by Roger on 2022-08-05

Very usable product and easy to handle. I'm very satisfied!

by Jan on 2022-08-02

Extremely convinient and easy to use. And the design is nice as well :-)

by Daverone1982 on 2022-07-24

Extremely accurate alcohol meter for that price ! I am extremely satisfied
Enkel, precis, tydlig

by Robert on 2022-07-23

Köpte äntligen en alkomätare och läste recensioner för att vara säker att få en mätare med korrekta resultat. Så det var förväntat. Blev positivt överraskad av kvaliteten och gränssnittet med tanke på vad andra kostar. Rekommenderas starkt!
Very good and easy to use!

by Pontus on 2022-07-18

The best friend to have in your car the day after a party!
Mycket bra produkt!

by PelleP on 2022-07-15

Enkel att använda, snabbt resultat. Sist men inte minst, support för kalibrering. Man blir påmind av mätaren när det är dags för kalibrering. Mycket bra!
Enkel att använda

by Simon on 2022-07-13

Enkel att använda, displayen guidar dig.
Bra att ha med sig när man skall iväg.

Love it

by nekbom on 2022-07-07

Easy to setup and use, great display and I like the possibility to upgrade the software. Very happy with this purchase.
Mycket bra

by ea on 2022-07-07

Lätt att använda och tydlig display
Stay safe out there!

by Johan on 2022-06-16

Super easy to use thanks to the straight forward user interface – a good companion before hitting the road to be sure even if it feels right
Easy to use!

by Joakim on 2022-04-12

Feels like a good value device that is easy to use. Build quality seems good aswell.
Lätt att använda

by TGH on 2022-02-06

Lättanvänd och pålitlig. Rekommenderas varmt

by Trubadurix on 2022-01-25

Easy to use and very reliable.
I like it a lot. ????

by Patrik on 2022-01-02

Easy to use, solid design, best in Aftonbladet's test - very happy with it
Good product that will save your license

by SvanteW on 2021-11-21

Always good to know in the morning what level you are at. This Alcotest will provide you with a reliable level. Never had any problems with it. Recomend!

by Jocke on 2021-11-15

Användarvänlig och bra produkt!
Safety for a nice price

by Svend on 2021-09-20

This product is very easy to use and delivers excellent safety for best price. A product all people should have.
Enkel och pålitlig. Köp rekommenderas

by JL - Stockholm on 2021-07-16

Driftsäker med tydlig enkelhet.
Bra funktionalitet.

by Jullangullan03 on 2021-07-04

Very good and reliable alcohol meter that gave reasonable results based on what you drank. Even negative is that there are no instructions in Swedish in the instruction manual, which I think is strange because you can set the meter itself in Swedish.
Mycket bra köp

by Bjarne on 2021-07-01

Väldigt nöjd med mitt köp.
Prisvärd, enkel att använda och smidig.
Det enda som stoppar full pott är att jag tycker att man kunde fått med ett litet fodral att förvara den i.

by Julia Asplund on 2021-07-01

Jättebra alkoholmätare. Pålitlig och har gett resultat man förväntar sig när man druckit en viss mängd. Ända negativa är att bruksanvisningen inte finns på Svenska vilket är konstigt eftersom man kan ställa in maskinen på Svenska.
Smidig och lättanvänd

by Thomas on 2021-06-20

Perfekt för att kolla när man kan köra dagen efter. Smidig, lätt att använda, Prisvärd.
Superbra nu för kommande midsommar. :-)
Funkar superbra

by Tompa on 2021-06-19

Lätt att ta med sig och lätt att använda.
Perfekt till den Svenska midsommarveckan.
Rekommenderar starkt.
Great and easy to setup

by Os72 on 2021-06-14

I just got this alcometer and the first setup steps immediately got me positive. It was really easy to setup and use.

Accurate, Fast

by Robert on 2021-05-16

I bought this because we are 10 people that will use it and it's only 3min between tests. That means that we can tese everyone in 30 min instead of 5 hours like it is with other brands.

by IPALOVER on 2021-03-19

Kjøpte alcosense mest for dagen derpå promille - føle meg sikker på at jeg kan kjøre bil, den vil også hjelpe til med å redusere inntaket av alkohol, veldig fornøyd med kjøpet :-)
Great produkt at a good price

by Henrik on 2021-03-10

The alcosense is easy to use with its great and simple instruction. It’s small and handy and my wife think it looks good so she keeps it in her handbag. Great product.

by Thomas on 2021-01-03

Very disappointing to only after purchase find out that I as a Mac user I cannot uppdate.
Mycket pålitlig och enkel

by Johan on 2020-12-10

Gillar den skarpt, snygg design och lätt att använda. Känns som en billig investering för att kunna köra säkert i trafiken.
Rekommenderas varmt.
Prisvärd och enkel

by mm83 on 2020-11-16

Smidig och enkel alkomätare som är perfekt att lägga i handskfacket i bilen.
Bra produkt, rekommenderas

by Rolf on 2020-08-23

Den ger ett säkert intryck men jag låter det gå några extra timmar för att vara helt säker på att köra bil igen.
Den är lätt använd och man behöver inte blåsa hårt. Lätt att förvara i väskan också.
Bra och säker

by Sailer on 2020-08-06

Verkar lätt att hantera och säker.
Bra produkt

by Sax on 2020-08-05

Ser hållbar ut. Inget dåligt plastaskit. Lätt att ställa in och lätt att använda. Är nöjd med den.
Mycket prisvärd och enkel att använda

by NickeNook on 2020-08-05

Liten och smidig enhet i god kvalitet som är enkel att använda.

Bra pris och bra resultat i tester.
Easy and fast.

by Fulvodka73 on 2020-08-04

Easy to get started and easy to use. bought the product after I read in the newspaper (aftonbladet) that it got the best results in their test.
Quick and Easy

by Musse on 2020-07-03

I found this product very easy to handle . Great !
Very attractive handy size with useful functions and a nice price.

by Danev on 2020-06-04

This is a really nice unit due to its functions and handy size.
Selection of region with national pre programmed rules is a really useful feature.
The unit fits perfecly in your hand. I like the sliding cover which hides the connection of the mouth tube.
I find the design of the unit modern and attractive with a nice
"easy to read" display.
I strongly recommend this product.
Bra och lätt att använda. Supernöjd!

by Stig on 2020-05-04

Enkel att använda och snabbt och klart besked!
Very good!

by Ivana on 2020-03-04

Easy to use.
Nice design

by Ulf on 2020-01-28

Easy to use
Seems to be very accurate

by Ted on 2019-12-27

Only had it for a couple of days and it has proven very useful already! Great piece of kit to have the day after!
Seems to do what it should

by Thony on 2019-11-05

Seems to work really fine. Just wish there was a holder or something for a few mouthpieces!

by Gary on 2019-07-26

Excellent product. Originally from England but living in Scotland, the drink driving rules are different. If in England, there are times when I knew I was there or thereabouts being under the limit. In Scotland, totally different. What an eye-opener. I need my car for work around the UK. This product won't stop me getting into the car but clearly gives me the information to say whether or not I should get in the car to drive. Worth every penny, many thanks.
Very good unit. Expensive Calibration

by SiobhanPatz on 2019-05-06

It is a Very good unit which I use for the morning after just to check. Invested in the more expensive model. Year calibration for this is a minimum of £37 which is ridiculous for every year. I could understand a a lesser amount but if you need it back within a wrek its over £40 which is nearly half the cost of the unit for a unit thats then a year old. Shoudl advertise yearly upkeep cost alongside advertised pricing.
Excellent customer support

by Cherries on 2019-01-17

After recent purchase of product I "tested" unit over several evenings after drinking various quantities of wine. Despite drinking more than I would if driving the unit never went into the red i.e. over the drink/drive limit. I spoke to Carl at AlcoSense and after a very helpful conversation agreed to return the unit for it to be tested in house. This was easy as I live nearby to their offices. 5 or 6 days later I was contacted by David who advised me that after testing they could find no fault with the unit and we had a very informed discussion as to why I was getting the readings I had recorded. Unit was returned with no costs to myself. Just to be able to talk to 2 sensible people and receive first class service and advice puts AlcoSense at the top of my list of modern suppliers. More power to elbows guys.
My updated AlcoSense

by joanna meaden on 2018-04-29

I updated my AlcoSense as it was about 8 years old and this one appears to be superior . I like the reassurance of performing the test the morning after a night out even if you are sure you are under the limit! I have only used this a couple of times and it is certainly easy to use. I annoy overnight guests by asking them to check their alcohol levels before driving home in the morning , frequently resulting in me providing lunch later!
Very Pleased

by McCrimmon Ian Stewart on 2018-04-18

I'm very happy with this product. I've used it several times to educate younger people about the dangers of "day after" driving. I was fortunate enough to have received an upgraded product as the Excel I ordered was out of stock. That says a lot about the integrity of the company which delivered the product. I can only highly recommend this product and the company which provided it.
Great product, a must buy

by stephen quinn on 2018-04-15

Fantastic product. Worth every single penny, simple to use and very effective. Thank you guys.
Free upgrade to Pro

by Kindle Customer on 2018-04-08

Super fast next day delivery. I ordered the excel but received a free upgrade to the pro. Very simple to use and very accurate. Very happy with my purchase.
Excellent service

by Amazon Customer on 2018-04-05

Excellent service. Was upgraded to the better version for free because no stock. Measures your alcohol content well and consistently.
Five Stars

by ant on 2018-03-27

Spot on piece of kit. A must, for the grey area that is the morning after!
Delighted :-)

by Paul H on 2018-03-23

22/03/2018 ... I also received the PRO version as the manufacturer says Excel sold out. So I got the £50 dearer version ast no extra cost. Obviously, I am absolutely delighted.I would have been just as happy with the Excel version i think. Accuracy seems good. Ease of use is good.
an excellent product which will save you license for sure

by Amazon Customer on 2018-03-15

have used the previous alcosense product for the last 5 years, so i have upgraded to this model. an excellent product which will save you license for sure.
At last piece of mind

by Mick on 2018-03-10

Very good bit of kit, well made and as far as I can tell accurate. I never drink and drive but the next morning sometimes you're never 100% sure, now you can be. Money well spent.
Four Stars

by ChrisM on 2018-03-09

As described and waiting to test it - possibly change the star rating then.
Worth the money

by Mr. A. Leach on 2018-03-05

Seems to work well
Best purchase for a reasurring peace of mind.

by Mrs Dawn E Moore on 2018-03-04

Great product very accurate and easy to use.
Quality Breathalyzer

by Mike on 2018-03-04

A very sophisticated instrument. Expensive, but notwithstanding this, I consider it likely to turn out to be good value. Not a pub toy and should be taken seriously by the user. Especially useful for the "morning after" situation. Am personally confident concerning its reliability and accuracy. Should be recalibrated annually.
Very impressed - I should have got one ages ago!

by Seadoo on 2018-03-01

I did a good bit of research on this. Very happy with the product. I have used it a couple of times and very impressed. As Im in Ireland, I had to change the settings in it to set the limit at the 50mg figure (it came with the 20mg limit set as I presume this is for Scotland).It gives you great piece of mind if you are driving in the morning after having had a few drinks the night before. One good tip I got from a colleague who bought a similar unit is make sure you get enough sleep between your last drink and when you jump in the car - after using his unit for a while, he learnt that having 5 or 6hrs sleep between the last drink and then driving was very close to being on the limit - but if you take 7-8hrs then the extra time makes a big difference! - obviously just get one of these and you will take away any doubt !!
Very good product

by Anna Kukowska on 2018-02-24

Light and easy to carry aroundPortrays accurate resultsSuitable for self-checking and anaylsisHighly sensitive and of high quality. Well, this is the dogs dangly bits by far. Its easy to use, on screen instructions are very clear. Its easy to blow into, with an easily visible guide that its working and when to stop. The readings are VERY consistent, exactly what you would expect them to be. It is definitely now my reference machine and I trust it. If you are looking around and undecided then just pay the extra and buy this, you won't regret it
Five Stars

by louise marain on 2018-02-20

Brilliant product
Very happy with this product

by Amazon Customer on 2018-02-16

Seems to give accurate reading. tested on myself and my wife. With the same units of alcohol she was almost double my reading but she is half my weight. Tested a number of different times with various units of alcohol (pub measures) and it seems to reflect the accepted norms of reading. Very happy with this product. Seems solid, and robust
An excellent product. Batteries included

by Patrick Harrington on 2018-02-16

An excellent product. Batteries included: very clear instructions; easy to use;quick reading.A valuable device and an enhancement to road safety.Especially useful to allay the fears of ‘morning after’ alcohol levels.
AlcoSense Excel - an excellent product

by Morse on 2018-02-07

It is the second breathalyzer that I have purchased, but I am most impressed with my new AlcoSense Excel. It is easy to use and the instruction manual is comprehensive yet easy to follow. I have no hesitation in recommending this product.
Worth the money and quality easy to use unit..

by S. J. Huggett on 2018-01-26

Glad I decided to pay the extra for the Excel model as the fuel cell is the most accurate. The unit feels very good quality and is easy to set up. It's very easy to use and I have been experimenting and it seems to work very well.. I did buy the case for it after which is handy to keep it and a tube for protection but it's a shame a case isn't included for the price. One gripe is although you can update the software on the unit via a PC you can't if you use a Mac. Pity in this day and age there isn't an OS version of their software... Overall very happy and would definitely recommend..
Well made piece of kit! Very accurate

by Alex Dewart on 2018-01-19

I purchased this because my livelyhood depends on my license like most people, after reading the reviews it was the obvious choice. Iv tested it and so far i can honestly say i put my trust in it. Its a well made piece of kit and well worth the money , after all what is £99 against loosing your job?

by E. Fox on 2018-01-18

Really useful, very accurate results.
Excellent piece of kit

by Rob on 2018-01-18

I've wanted a breathalyser for some time now, not because I want to proactively drink and drive (under the legal limit), but to be able to relax on an evening out without having to keep count of units of alcohol consumed over a said period of time. I also wanted an accurate breathalyser at a reasonable price. Having done some research on the types of breathalysers and how the different kinds work and their associated accuracy, this breathalyser was, in my opinion, a very reasonable price to pay to stay legal whilst driving. A motoring magazine had tested this kit in a laboratory and the results proved how accurate this machine is and that was an extremely important factor for me. The machine needs to be checked for calibration once a year for what I believe to be a reasonable cost, which brings me to the cost of the machine. What price do you put on your driving licence? A minimum fine for speeding is £100 and three penalty points. The cost of being prosecuted for drink driving is huge, not only financially, but is a massive inconvenience and takes away such freedom to travel so easily. For me, £100 is a small price to pay for such an accurate machine to give me peace of mind. It is easy to set up and use too. Forget buying cheap, single use breathalysers or cheap rubbish, look at this excellent piece of British Engineering (with British support), it's accuracy and reasonable price. What a great price to pay to keep your licence and possibly your job.
Don't bother if you have an iOS operating system! It will already have out of date software you cannot update!

by Damien on 2018-01-14

Don't bother if you have an iOS operating system! It will already have out of date software you cannot update! I'm totally peed off! If you have any Apple iOS computer then don't bother! I've bought one and already the software on the Excel is out of date. Apparently it is only compatible with Windows products to update the software on the Excel. If I had known that I would not have bought one. Windows computer = okay to buy. Apple iOS Computer etc = Don't buy! Considering they are supposed to be the market leader for over the counter breathalysers.... it is really poor that I can't update the software!One star because I'm Peed off already with that simple mistake!
Super easy to use breathaliser

by on 2018-01-12

Bought a different make (£50), which is sort of OK, but only shows BAC and can't be changed. The excel on the other hand has a massive range of configurability. Very easy to use, and changing things is very simple. Set mine up in less than 5 minutes, including changing from BAC to mLitres per Litre of breath, which I believe is the measurement system used by the UK police. Although the excel could be considered expensive at £100, if it saves you and your licence, then the cost is a no-brainer!!! I'm still trying to find out if the excel is NF (France) approved.
It works perfectly and is very accurate! Unlike the competition!

by Ian mckee on 2018-01-12

Superb quality that truly works. Very easy to use also. Didn’t want to risk it with the many Chinese products in sale for 50p as they simply don’t work. Not worth the risk with your driving license. If you are interested in keeping your license you cannot skimp with the cheap products available.
Does as described.

by Mike Haines on 2018-01-10

As with any scientific instrument I need to trust the detail it provides, difficult to double check however it seems to do exactly as described. For me it isn’t the night I have been drinking, that’s a given, but when exactly the next day has enough cleared to be safe. Will keep it handy and use it occasionally. Note that it needs to be sent off for recalibration after a year which is a pain, would be better to take it in somewhere.
Great product.

by Amazon Customer on 2018-01-08

Great little product at a very reasonable price. I particularly like the fact it gives you your blood alcohol level so you know for sure whether you can drive.The device is sturdy and very easy to use.
Great piece of kit.

by Mr M. on 2018-01-06

Very impressive piece of kit. Very clear output and conclusions. Gives great confidence in its accuracy. Delighted.
Excellent product. Well made and

by CharlesA on 2018-01-01

I have owned cheap Breathalyzers before. This is in a different class. Excellent product. Well made and accurate
Can’t fault it

by Amazon Customer on 2017-12-30

Purchased for peace of mind over the Christmas holidays. Simple to set up and couldn’t be easier to use. First tested when sober and again at the end of a night after a few drinks, all seems to work as advertised. Used every morning since after having a drink and is really helpful for decided I’d safe to drive or not. Overall it is easy to use, seems accurate and I recommend anyone who’s likes a drink but also has to drive the day after gets one. It is a lot cheaper than losing your license!
Great little unit.

by Mr Lawrence Quinn on 2017-12-27

I have only had mine for a short time but initial impressions are that it is a well made unit, easy to use and accurate. The only two minus points are that updates are windows only and I have Macs and it has no bag or pouch other than buying one at £10. The Mac point is important to me as it will be a pain to post the unit back for the free update.
Good product

by dannym on 2017-12-27

Looks expensive apart from requiring batteries and not being rechargeable. Bought based on Auto Express review which seems trustworthy. Could've been supplied with a carry case for the price.
Great product.

by Simon T. on 2017-12-26

Excellent product. Manual includes deep explanation of global alcohol testing limits and gives you the confidence that the product is well developed and accurate as well, according to the specs. Easy to use.Needs annual calibration for Best maintained accuracy £25.

by Amazon Customer on 2017-12-26

Excellent quality - feels very dependable and something you can really trust
Five Stars

by A G Yates on 2017-12-26

Excellent product. Very impressive packaging. Instructions clear and in proper English (makes a change).Works well. Defo recommend.
Great product - very impressed

by c mooney on 2017-12-24

Great product - very impressed
Five Stars

by DEREK PARKER on 2017-12-24

Easy to set up, easy to use and very handy at xmas
Well made and easy to use

by RBH on 2017-12-20

Easy to use and from the review, very accurate.
Five Stars

by shaun taylor on 2017-12-19

Great piece of mind over Xmas fantastic bit of kit many thanks
Great item

by C P Jones on 2017-12-18

I have bought this Breathalyzer, used it twice so fay, very easy to set up and use, sturdy build, very happy with it so far.
I have always found them easy to use and by comparison with the rate which ...

by anon on 2017-12-15

I have had and used Alcosense breathalyzers for a number of years and currently have the Excel version . I have always found them easy to use and by comparison with the rate which a body absorbs alcohol they are very accurate indicators of fitness or not to drive. I thoroughly recommend them.
It seems to do the job well.

by Frank D. Wright on 2017-12-14

It seems to do the job well. I don't have any accurate comparison but the results seem sensible, certainly much more believable than the cheap sensor I had before. If I ever get stopped by the police I'll find out how it measures up I imagine. It seems well made and is easy to use.
Invest in quality and you will not be disappointed

by Mr. M. on 2017-12-13

If you’re going to buy a breathalyser, it is because you want you and your family, as well as your driving licence, to remain safe. I read several independent reports and and learned that many products, although cheap, were simply not worth buying as they were too unreliable. The Excel model is not cheap, but it is value for money and a regular Best Buy choice for a simple reason; it is value for money. Invest in quality for something that is important, and you won’t be disappointed.
Five Stars

by Mrs Laura Hendry-Kristensen on 2017-12-13

Does exactly as it says and seems to be accurate when you count units versus time passed.
Easy to use and build quality is excellent

by NITOUR Ltd on 2017-12-10

Arrived quickly. My first time buying a breathalyser and from the couple of times I've tested it all seems to be in order. Easy to use and build quality is excellent. Packaged very well.
Absolutely perfect!!

by Amazon Customer on 2017-12-07

A fantastic product, so accurate and a quality build. Really happy I went for this product over the others and it comes from the UK, which gives you more confidence in the delivery.
Excellent product and even better customer service

by Nicola H on 2017-11-22

It is a neat and sturdy item. Great customer care. I bought this for my 18 year old son and in my haste to set it up put the wrong date in. I contacted alcosense by email and they were great. I sent it back to them on the Monday and it was corrected and returned to me by the Friday ready for use again over the weekend.
Great product, great company

by Phil C on 2017-11-19

Great company, great product and they upgraded me to elite model as this model was out of stock. Would recommend.
highly recommended

by scotreview on 2017-11-05

As party season approaches we wanted to be sure we were okay to drive the next morning and this little device takes away any doubt. Super easy to use with a clear readout. Already recommending it to friends.
Brilliant product

by CRAIG D. on 2017-10-23

Absolutely fantastic device. I was amazed at the quality together with the ease of use. It will be travelling everywhere with me . Worth the price to safeguard your licence ....
Great Product

by M McDonald on 2017-10-19

Great product, well built, clear and easy to use and very reassuring on those occasional mornings after the night before.
Just buy this and stop deliberating and worrying

by Mad Mole on 2017-10-17

Should state that I already own several cheaper (and some not so cheap) other manufacturers breathalysers. Some i wouldn't trust to even be able to tell I was totally sober or drop dead drunk. Others kind work but tend to be inconsistent, and you are never sure if you are really clear or not. Many of these seem to slightly under read and are more accurate at lower levels (not what you really need)Then I bought an AlcoSense Excel. Well, this is the dogs dangly bits by far. Its easy to use, on screen instructions are very clear. Its easy to blow into, with an easily visible guide that its working and when to stop. The readings are VERY consistent, exactly what you would expect them to be. It is definitely now my reference machine and I trust it. If you are looking around and undecided then just pay the extra and buy this, you won't regret itPros: Clear, Easy to use, Accurate, ConsistentCons: Nothing really except for cost, and a couple of times its not turned on completely when opening the slider (screen corrupted), switching off and on fixed that. not an issue reallyNow my go to device
Excellent unit.

by crispy on 2017-10-03

Needed to upgrade an old semi conductor breathalyser, this fuel cell one is recommended by auto express, however it was out of stock so I was sent the next model up at no extra charge, result! The unit is well made and easy to use, results of each test are clear. It comes with good and interesting info about how it works. Essential bit of kit for "the morning after" worrier.
Best of British

by David R H Baylis on 2017-09-30

A well built, easy to use essential piece of kit and British made too. It does what it says on the tin and I would not be without it.
Five Stars

by G. C. Hurrell on 2017-09-28

Very simple and straightforward to use.
Great device NEver drink and drive but this helps me ...

by Mr M Whittaker on 2017-09-25

Great device NEver drink and drive but this helps me understand if I should leave the car At home the days after I have been out the night beforeAlso have a teenage daughter who likes to party so provides evidence that she can't use her car the day after
... that based upon what I read it seemed a good product. However

by Nicholas Dodd on 2017-09-20

I bought one after doing some research and concluded that based upon what I read it seemed a good product. However, I have no means of verifying how accurate it is - just have to trust it. Having said that I don't drink and drive as such so this is to check the morning after and in my case has always shown clear. When I first started to research breathalysers I emailed AlcoSense to ask about the costs and process for re-calibration. They didn't bother to respond so that doesn't bode well as a measure of their customer service. When I first came to use it I couldn't get the blow tube to stay in the socket. It was only after looking very carefully at the socket that I realised that it had to be inserted at an angle. There is nowhere in the instructions that mention this nor any pictures to show it. The rest of the instructions are good and set up was easy. Overall it seems to be well made and easy to use - time will tell.
I recieved excellent service from this company which went above and beyond ...

by Lea Latham on 2017-09-19

I recieved excellent service from this company which went above and beyond the norm.The product I received was an ungraded version AlcoSense Pro. It was extremely easy to set up and even easier to use. We have tested it out and it is performing very accurately in all senses. I highly recommend this product.

by h j stiggelbout on 2017-09-17

I bought this because of its good reviews and becauseI wanted a decent, re-usable product. Initially to take to France but later because I wish to check my "status" and that of my children the morning after drinking.I received a free upgrade to the PRO model.The product is good looking, handles well and is a "breeze" to use.Instruction are clear and helpfulGREAT GADGET
Review on Husbands behalf.

by Elise on 2017-09-14

I ordered these on behalf of my Husband so cannot give a personal review however, my Husband works in a management position within an industry that requires alcohol testing to be done regularly. The fact that he has used this item previously and still continues to use them speaks for itself.Obviously a reliable item.
Best model in the range

by Mr Richard J Tod on 2017-09-10

Worth the extra money to upgrade from the semi conductor model. Easier to set up and use
Compact and reliable.

by William Hunter on 2017-09-04

Excellent and much easier and faster to use than previous breathalysers I've owned.
SImple to use and appears very accurate. Need to ...

by R. Beasley on 2017-08-29

SImple to use and appears very accurate. Need to read and understand the instructions before you use it for the first time!!
Easy to use.

by H.C. on 2017-08-26

Easy to use. Good for checking alcohol level the morning after a night out. Interesting how quickly the alcohol level does go down...I had 3 glasses of wine over about 3 hours and would not have driven again that day but in 2 hours I was down to half the limit. (shortly after drinking I was just above the limit) However, I have no intention of driving after drinking that much but as we live out in the country and have to drive everywhere I do enjoy 1 glass of wine with dinner so am happy to see that my alcohol level has always returned to 0 by the time I have finished my evening.
Five Stars

by david allen-butler on 2017-08-24

Excellent product, easy to use.
Excellent customer service

by Amazon Customer on 2017-08-14

Model was out of stock was given the newest version with no extra cost. Excellent customer service. Easy to use and a accurate as per description.
Nicely designed and simple to use

by Dr C. on 2017-08-13

Nicely designed and simple to use. We're going abroad and there is the option to set the alcohol breathalyser limits for any country. Very pleased with it.
Great little gadget

by rabbyboy on 2017-08-11

I have only owned my alcosense breathalyser for a short time.The reason I purchased it was that I could not be sure when it was safe to drive in the morning ,having had some drink the previous evening.I found it easy to set up and use following the detailed instructions supplied with the unit.I have used it a few times now and feel confident to drive when it gives me the all clear as it is set to give a warning while 20 per cent under the set limit. I do not drive until it goes green.I feel the government should subsidize the purchase of these units for all drivers as many are criminalised through lack of knowledge. I would recommend this unit to all drivers especially if their livelihood depends on having a licence.
... morning after only a few drinks so it was good to see that it confirmed my understanding that I ...

by CliveW on 2017-08-09

I've only tried this once since my purchase and used it the morning after only a few drinks so it was good to see that it confirmed my understanding that I was clear and OK to drive. I am now confident that I can ensure a potential late night out is safe in the morning as I regularly leave for work early. Easy to use and the write up about the units accuracy is why I bought this. Handy to have around for those occasional times when you are unsure the morning after and do not want to take the chance.
A great device for the price. Does what you need it too!

by M. Trebilcock on 2017-07-31

This breathalyser is a great device. It provides peace of mind the morning after the night before. Either it confirms that you are safe to drive or warns if you should wait. Have used it several times since purchasing in December 2016 and can find nothing negative to say for the price. Certainly better than friends cheaper devices and I like the fact that you can change the Alcohol limit if it changes in the future negating the need to buy a different device. Highly recommended!
A great device for the price. Does what you need it too!

by Mark on 2017-07-31

This breathalyser is a great device. It provides peace of mind the morning after the night before. Either it confirms that you are safe to drive or warns if you should wait. Have used it several times since purchasing in December 2016 and can find nothing negative to say for the price. Certainly better than friends cheaper devices and I like the fact that you can change the Alcohol limit if it changes in the future negating the need to buy a different device. Highly recommended!
Awesome bit of tech

by Milo on 2017-07-30

Review is for the pro version as I was sent this as a free upgrade. Excellent piece of kit, tried it the morning after a night out in Blackpool and even though I felt fine the AlcoSense begged to differ. So I waited a few hours as recommended and then I blew again and was ok to drive.Highly recommend and very easy to use.
The Pro comes with clear simple instructions and is very easy to use

by IS on 2017-07-26

As others have noted there is a supply issue with the Excel model and so I was sent the motre expensive Pro version for no extra cost. That itself is impressive. This purchase was to replace an aging Elite model. The Pro comes with clear simple instructions and is very easy to use. The 'Blow coach' and pressure meter are welcome and significant advances on the old Elite. A great, well-engineered product.
Great product, simple to use but not compatible with Mac

by M. A. Saunders on 2017-07-13

As with other reviewers was sent Alcosense Pro. Very easy to set up and use, intuitive and no need to check instructions after 1st use.Only gripe is that it only works with a PC and not a Mac so I can't update to the latest software version without returning to manufacturer. Works fine so not bothering to send back, will ask for upgrade when it's calibrated.
Very pleased & would recommend but note you have to send ...

by Mr Kevin Stockley on 2017-07-09

Bought this as a Father's Day gift for my husband (he asked for one) was pleasantly surprised when it was upgraded to the next version which is more expensive due to stock availability. It has been used several times as he's always concerned about driving the day after having a few glasses. Very pleased & would recommend but note you have to send it away yearly to recalibrate for £25.
A great product

by Win Tadd on 2017-07-07

Excellent service product was upgraded at no extra cost. British made and easy to use with excellent instruction manual. Accuracy is important and this breathalyser is one of the best.
Must have before driving these days!

by M. Leadbeater on 2017-07-02

Bought to keep abreast of alcohol limits in different countries. Only used in UK so far and seems to work well.
Received the Pro model and it seems very good.

by Dave FromKent on 2017-07-01

Firstly, like many others, I was upgraded to the AlcoSense Pro model due to stock issues. I have to review what i received, although I understand that the functionality is very similar.It is a neat unit. Compact and quite solid feel. Instructions are good, but don't mention what the USB cable is for. I still don't know.I suppose like every other reviewer, I had a lot of fun testing! So I had what I thought was 3 units of wine without food, waited for 90 minutes and it said that I was still just OK to drive. I didn't feel OK. So I checked again every 30 minutes for three hours and the meter recorded gradual reductions.Next day I had a single bottle of 10 units over two hours (I told you this was fun!) and 90 minutes later, I blew red. Checked every 30 minutes and sure enough it dropped in gradual proportion. I dropped below red after four hours which surprised me.Testing is now over. I have one nagging doubt and it is that even though I can feel there is alcohol in my system, I seem to be below 20%. The gadget provides a sense of reassurance, but all the same, I wouldn't mind testing it against a police meter - not however, at the roadside!
5 stars

by Amazon Customer on 2017-06-29

Good quality and easy to use. Mine was delivered within 15 hours and when it arrive it was actually an upgraded model at no extra cost as they had ran out of the model I had ordered.
... upgraded version at no extra cost it is a brilliant piece of kit although it takes time to get ...

by Amazon Customer on 2017-06-22

i recieved the upgraded version at no extra cost it is a brilliant piece of kit although it takes time to get the blow tube in the correct position. As somoene who did have a drink driving offence this gives peace of mind, i do not get behind a wheel now especially in the morning unless way under the limit thank youfor giving me peace of mind
Great piece of kit.

by David Scully on 2017-06-19

Ordered the mid range model. Due to a delay in stock up date the one I had ordered was out of stock. The company very kindly up graded to a higher spec unit without charge. Very neat piece of kit. Easy to use. Just one tiny little niggle is that it needs re calibrating. Sure once that is resolved it will be very useful. Just don't want to rely on readings yet as it says that that may not be accurate until re calibrated.
Excellent machine

by Jim on 2017-06-18

I have waited 6 months to write this review, as appears to be the case for many other people I received the higher spec Pro version, for which I am very grateful, it was a nice touch to receive the model with the larger fuel cell sensor.It is difficult to come to trust a device like this at first because the reality is that people just don't know the real rate that their own body burns alcohol, this rate is actually fixed it does not matter how big or small you are the 'rate' is the same, however a larger person contains more blood so will read lower for the same number of drinks than a smaller person :)The burn off rate for a normal liver is 0.016% per hour that burn starts as soon as the alcohol hits your liver so even as you are drinking you are also metabolising it. People that have a drink problem can open up other metabolic pathways and burn alcohol slightly faster but that is not exactly something to be desired.This device can be set to display results using the 'per mille' symbol ‰ (parts per thousand), the limit for driving in the uk is 0.08% but the device will show its measurements as 0.8 with the symbol ‰ this is useful as 1.6 ‰ means twice the legal limit in England in my opinion it is easier to read and understand when set this way.So what does it all add up to, for me a device like this has to be accurate and quite simply that means you have to trust it, I bought some chemical breathalysers as well in order to do my own rough calibration, my results showed that this device is accurate and I have grown to trust it.The feature that allows you to set the device for other countries is a nice touch but really if I am at home in Scotland I know the limit is BAC 0.05% or 50mg per 100ml of blood which is less than the limit in England, so while nice it is not crucial.Physically after 6 months this device is still in good condition, it appears well built, it has used one set of 3 AAA Duracell batteries so far the second set are starting to run out now with the device showing 2 bars remaining many other reviewers I too received an email asking me to review the device but this was actually about 5 and 1/2 months ago, I took my own time before writing this, for me it is a very definite 5 star device and many thanks to the company for giving me the upgrade to the better version, much appreciated.
Brand new device and calibration out of date

by pedro on 2017-06-15

I am hoping that this will be only temporary review as I have emailed the CS and awaiting their reply...Upon switching the machine on, setting country/date etc there is an alarm that the calibration expired on 30/09/2016 (9 months)It is surprising and disappointing at the same time as I have purchased the device directly from Alcosense.I have tested the device last night and believe that the readings were inaccurate.Between 7pm-10pm I consumed 2x 500 ml bottles of 6% continental beer & 3x 40 ml shots of 35% French brandy. Measurements taken at 11pm were as 0.54% and less than 0.2% at 5am in the morning. I would imagine that consuming 8-9 units of alcohol within such a relatively short period would definetely make me illegal/unfit to drive. I certainly felt like i would never get behind the wheel...And yet the machine showed Amber but still within the legal limit in England and Wales... Was over the limit in Scotland as the limit there is 0.5%Dear AlcoSense - Can you please reply to my email sent to [email protected] AND arrange for Free of Charge re-calibration considering that the device is brand new
Excellent after sales care and support and UK based business & customer service

by pedro on 2017-06-15

I also received the PRO version rather than Excel.After initial concerns about the accuracy (i was surprised that my breath alcohol level below the legal limit). I have contacted the company and within a day i received an email from their Lab asking me to return the device so it can be tested. I have received comprehensive reply, free single use testers as addition, update and new 12 months calibration. Superb service and UK based business.Special thanks to Alison from the laboratory!My PRO version have been tested and confirmed that it is reading accurately and within the specified tolerances. Another thing i have found out is that around 80% of the population processes 1 unit of alcohol every hour from the body which is why it is the accepted average, the remaining 20% process either quicker or slower at up to 2 units an hour, some as low as 0.5 units per hour. I guess I am in the 20% :)THE RECENT UPDATE (released by AlcoSense) is that with any readings at 0.2‰BAC (0.09mg/L) or lower the unit will read LOW and will say that less than 0.2‰BAC or 0.09mg/L of alcohol has been detected and this is in line with BS EN 16280 – the British Standard for the consumer.
Five Stars

by Ian Findlay on 2017-06-05

A well made and simple to use product and seems reliable so far.
I have used it for 2 weeks and have found it easy to use with intuitive controls/menu

by Amazon Customer on 2017-06-05

I opted for the cheaper model (Excel) and was pleasantly surprised when I received the Alcosense Pro at no extra cost; this was because the Excel was not available. I have used it for 2 weeks and have found it easy to use with intuitive controls/menu. I am a part-time delivery driver and it is important that I know my BAC before commencing work (my employer requires me to "self-certify" that I am not over the drink drive limit before I commence work so I can now use the archive facility on it to provide evidence in the event of a traffic incident while at work). It is also pleasing that this is a quality British product thus supporting UK industry against foreign competitors.
Five Stars

by rusty on 2017-06-03

compact and accurate stopped me from potentially becomeing a drink driver thats why i bought it
Fantastic & Accurate Device for Peace of Mind.

by vRS Stevie on 2017-06-03

Been looking at these devices for a number of years, the concern always being the morning after and not knowing if you are safe to drive or not, so always aired on the side of caution and arranged other transports methods just to be sure. Just to be clear, I am not using this device to make sure I'm just under, I want to make sure it is showing "Low less than 0.20 0/00 BAC" before I consider driving.Again as other reviewers I ordered the Excel model which has issues & was out of stock. Therefore the AlcoSense Pro was provided in its place. Which is the next model up and provided at the same price as the AlcoSense Excel. Which is a fantastic deal, and first time I have had this from any supplier, so many thx.Setting up the product was very straightforward and I have tested it several times and believe it is very accurate, which to be fair is vital as if it wasn't it would be basically useless. Plus you can set your own Country or manually enter the limit where you reside, which proves future proofing as the limits are reduced by Government.5 Blow Tubes are provided together with the batteries required, I also went for the case which is of good quality, but a little tight when you have the provided tubes in the same case, but does close easily.I too wasn't aware that the device needs to be re-calibrated by AlcoSense every 12 months, and has an re calibration date on starting up the device. But as stated earlier without accuracy the device is useless, so a hopefully minimal charge each year is a small price to pay for peace of mind.
Useful, reliable tester, easy to carry in the pocket.

by Amazon Customer on 2017-06-01

Very pleased. Simple to use. Tested it by by using at various levels of beer consumption over a week. Results were accurate and repeatable, based on expectations from established scientific knowledge of the absorption of alcohol into the bodies blood and then exhaled . Terry Norman.
I received the upgraded model

by D. Sanders on 2017-05-31

First of all I too received the Pro version. I also had an email asking for an honest review, which was brave of them because I had problems when I sent a device back a few years ago for calibration. Nonetheless that got sorted.I used to use an AlcoSense Elite, which was claimed to be top of its class. Eventually my first would only acknowledge you were blowing in it if you had spent the weekend downing 4 star. The replacement I bought when it couldn't be recalibrated aired somewhat on the side of caution; gave suspiciously high readings. I've also had an AL-6000 from somewhere which has replaceable sensors, but that was like a mate who wanted a lift home from the pub. "Yeah, you'll be alright" it was telling me after my twelfth pint and fourth G&T. I had another too but I lost that in a hotel in Blackpool. If you're interested.After waiting around all day to sober up from the mild session the night before I decided to try another. I bought an Alcohoot plug-in smart-phone device (about £70), with fuel cell technology. This too started well, but after about 50 tests it's started to fail to take a reading, or the app hangs. As someone who drinks a lot I decided to take a punt with the Excel. I was going to order the Pro, but after reading a few reviews here that others had been sent the pro after ordering the standard, I thought I'd take a chance and save £50. It paid off.The differences between the two seem to be the size of the sensor and the Pro has a flow meter to ensure an accurate sample and a "time till sober" calcuator.The design of the product is simple and clean. It fits well in your hand. The system boots rather quickly, and the menus allow you to change the BAC warning level by country easily. The valved mouth-pieces are awkward to get in at first, even harder when you're pissed, but it comes with time/sobriety.The display really does have a low resolution; like something out of a £20 iPhone knock-off, but it's not for displaying photos, it's to tell you whether or not you're sober enough to drive. It does this rather well.The unit displays your measured BAC content in mg/l, and the display background keeps it simple: Green is OK to drive, yellow for probably-best-leave-it-for-a-while-if-you-can, and red for "DON'T BE BLOODY STUPID BRUV!". Being able to easily change the limit by country (I believe the list is can be updated via the supplied micro USB cable) is handy if you're going on a continental pub crawl. It's also worth bearing in mind that Scotland has a lower limit than England, so even driving across the border could get you in trouble.A minor gripe is that the machine doesn't display a figure below 0.2%, I don't know why.I'm personally not a fan of the "Sober in..." display. It doesn't take body mass, level of activity or metabolism in to consideration. I suppose it's a ballpark-figure guide and nothing more.All in all, a useful, good looking device. Time will tell if results are accurate and if the machine is as reliable as it's brethren, let's hope it's better.
Good quality product

by J. Walton on 2017-05-24

I also got a free upgrade to the Pro model (purchase date was 17/5/17), and I have to say I'm delighted with it. It's very well made, simple to use, and it's just nice to buy a British-made product for a change.
Greta Product, Great Price, Great Company

by Chris Harbour on 2017-05-15

Excellent product - very easy to set up and use. Great customer service as well - free upgrade received in order to make the delivery deadline. Classy move.
Fantastic Technology from a UK company...

by PJ N1 on 2017-05-12

Very impressive piece of kit, and upgraded to the Pro model for free.
Good or is it?

by Mr. A. D. Simpson on 2017-05-03

I was not sure if this worked so got very drunk and took a reading the next day. Said I was OK to drive. Got pulled over by the police and i was completely over the limit. Got 2 year ban and 3 months jail time.Only joking!I have no idea if this gives accurate readings or not. But, it is very easy to use and they gave me a free upgrade so cannot complaint ( yet :) )
Top product

by Amazon Customer on 2017-04-30

Easy to use, great quality would recommend.
... to the Pro model fro free which was very good. The item seems very well built and really ...

by D. J. G on 2017-04-19

This was unavailable so the seller upgraded to the Pro model fro free which was very good. The item seems very well built and really easy to use. Ordered this as it has won awards for the reliability of its readings. Better than risking your licence and a fantastic product. Yes the item needs to be re-calibrated every 12 months but at least it should mean the readings are always correct.
Great product

by Amazon Customer on 2017-04-12

Fantastic product . Readings very easy to read . Easy set up . Had base alcosense but it's not near as good as this . Would highly recommend this product .

by Christopher D. on 2017-04-08

Excellent product , highly recommend it.
This device can potentially save your career, your driving licence, but most importantly yours and others lives

by Steady Eddy on 2017-03-31

How do any of us really know whether we are above or below the legal alcohol limit to drive? Well only 5 days ago I bought the Alcosense excel and now I know. I do like a drink in the evening and always assumed I was well below the limit in the morning. I am ashamed to discover how wrong I was! I drive for a living and after using this device I am now aware of my limits. I cannot stress how much this device has saved my career and of course my driving licence. Some people may say £99.99 is quite expensive, I say you get what you pay for. I originally was going to buy the cheaper version, but after some research I am glad I chose this model. I wish I could have afforded to buy the best model, but this is still a brilliant piece of kit. When I purchased this I was not aware you need to have it re-calibrated annually at a cost of around £25, however I know this it important to keep the device accurate. Therefore I will pay this fee for peace of mind. I have told all of my workmates how great this device is and most of them never even knew it existed. A massive thank you to Alcosense for this brilliant product.
I really like the feature that advises you how long it will ...

by John McGrath on 2017-03-31

Simple to set up and use. I really like the feature that advises you how long it will be before you are safe to drive/sober. I would definitely recommend this to anyone. Excellent piece of kit to give you peace of mind.
Nice piece of kit seems well built

by Paul Mason on 2017-03-26

Nice piece of kit seems well built, portable and it's so simple to use, it even coaches you when taking your breath sample by stating how long and how hard to blow with two simple bar graphs on the easy to read screen, I have the AlcoSense Pro.The important bit, it tells you when you are over the limit for the country you are in! You set this in the menu options by choosing the appropriate country. Not only that it if you are over the limit it approximates how long you need to wait before you need to retest and safely drive again. Seems to me if you have a drink you need this!Use mainly for the 'morning after' but even if you have had a couple at lunch it would be worth taking a test, ditching the car and taking a taxi if you are over or near the limit, forget your licence you might just save your life or someone elses!One improvement? Maybe a leather case should be supplied as it's so portable you will be traveling with it quite a bit, lets face it we all drink a bit more when we go away, that hotel for the weekend and those couple of bottles of wine you had with dinner or that wedding you are going to, the morning after it might be worth a minute blowing into the breathalyser.
It is extremely well engineered and easy to use

by Ian Clough on 2017-03-22

Just been using this for a few days. It replaces a previous cheaper model.It is extremely well engineered and easy to use. The display show you how hard to blow and hence I guess that this must improve accuracy.It is easy to set-up for different countries and is aware of the limits in each country.The only downside is that the blowing tube is separate which means that I need a case. My old unit had a fold out tube so I could just throw it in a suitcase when travelling. Good product, fast delivery.
Good service from a British provider. Dear

by David S on 2017-03-09

Good service and an upgrade to a more expensive model as they were having software problems with the one I had ordered. Easy to set up and easier to use. So far use has been limited but I can see no reason to think that it will not give good service.
This is a great investment. I'm not the type to ever drink ...

by Amazon Customer on 2017-03-03

This is a great investment. I'm not the type to ever drink and drive but sometimes I can't be sure about the morning after but with this I can be confident that I'm not risking my licence.It's really easy to set up and use with great features and most importantly when compared to cheaper models its got the accuracy you need. Some of the cheaper models out there have a +/- tolerance that's as high as the legal limit!Buy cheap, buy twice.
Very easy to use

by Amazon Customer on 2017-02-12

Very easy to use, provides instructions on screen. Great for peace of mind the morning after, and has a real quality feel similar to an Apple product.
This neat piece of kit is so easy to use and yet it provides such a great ...

by Robert G. on 2017-02-12

This neat piece of kit is so easy to use and yet it provides such a great peace of mind!
Free upgrade!

by Andrew M. on 2017-02-09

Excel was sold out but my order was accepted received free upgrade to pro! Excellent product and service highly recommended.
Amazing a no brained buy

by Dazza nautilus on 2017-02-07

Fantastic very accurate and a godsend for peace of mind
An Invaluable piece of equipment for anyone who needs their driving licence!

by Mr. A. K. Butcher on 2017-02-02

Excellent product. I use this regularly at weekends the morning after I've been drinking. The device not only tells you your alcohol reading, but when you'll be sober enough to drive again! As I need my licence for my job, this is an invaluable piece of equipment!
Be smart, don't drink and driver at all

by Mr W. on 2017-01-28

I've tried a couple of the lower end BA meter and found them to be flakey and not even trustworthy enough to show a go/no-go level.In our family we all (four drivers) use a BA meter for the morning after, not to indicate how many more units we can get before we are dangerous.Be smart, don't drink and driver at all......Do use the Alcosense range to give you the 'all-clear' the morning after.
Five Stars

by Peter J. on 2017-01-27

A great product,easy to use.Why take chances? Would definitely reccomend it.
I Would recommend this product

by Chris Foster on 2017-01-25

After reading reviews I decided to buy the excel. Very quick set up and ease of use. I don't drive after having a drink so it's only used the morning after.I Would recommend this product
AlcoSense Excel,,simple,inexpensive and so effective.

by louis on 2017-01-16

A very impressive,easy to set up unit!!,i was given the Excel to review,totally free of charge,as i'm already an AlcoSense Elite user..I found the product simple to set up and set the parameter's..I would recommend this unit to anyone,,the cost far outweighs the cost of being inadvertently over the drink driving limit..that's peace of mind!
Very Impressed with this latest Breathalyser

by Amazon Customer on 2017-01-16

As I live in Scotland, I purchased an AlcoSense Elite a couple of years ago when the drink drive laws changed. As a professional driver and with the drink drive limit in Scotland being so low, I have always been impressed with the AlcoSense Elite, however when I read that the Excel had just won the Auto Express best buy for 2016, I decided it was time to upgrade to the latest model – So far I have not been disappointed!
Excel model

by M A WEBBER on 2017-01-15

Very prompt delivery. Setting up the product was achieved without difficulty and has been tested by myself and several friends. I believe this is a very sensible device to keep handy when entertaining at Home, or in the Car when going out for a celebration/meal.Sufficient Blow Tubes are provided together with the batteries required to operate the product.The only drawback, if that is a fair comment, is the suggestion that the product needs to be re-calibrated by AlcoSense every 12 months at a cost of around £25.00. No mention is made of the number of times the product could be used without calibration being necessary. That is something I will take up with the Company when the machine advises me, in 12 months time, that it needs to be re-calibrated.
Very prompt delivery. However the Excel model ordered was ...

by M A WEBBER on 2017-01-15

Very prompt delivery. However the Excel model ordered was apparently out of stock and so the AlcoSense Pro was sent instead. This upgrade was provided at the same price as the AlcoSense Excel.Setting up the product was achieved without difficulty and has been tested by myself and several friends. I believe this is a very sensible device to keep handy when entertaining at Home, or in the Car when going out for a celebration/meal.Sufficient Blow Tubes are provided together with the batteries required to operate the product.The only drawback, if that is a fair comment, is the suggestion that the product needs to be re-calibrated by AlcoSense every 12 months at a cost of around £25.00. No mention is made of the number of times the product could be used without calibration being necessary. That is something I will take up with the Company when the machine advises me, in 12 months time, that it needs to be re-calibrated.
Great product and worth the piece of mind!

by T.J. Turner on 2017-01-12

After researching the market I chose this product as a result of its consistently being ranked the most accurate device available at an affordable price. I am not disappointed. It is straightforward to set-up and use, and its size is such that it takes up little room in my bag. The Alcosense customer service is excellent as they were out of stock of the model I ordered and sent me a superior product at no cost to me.
Quality, easy to use and reliable personal breathalyser

by Miguel on 2017-01-10

I upgraded from the Alcosense Elite. The device is a little larger than the previous model but still fits easily in a pocket (or the glove box). The Excel is easy to set up and to operate with clear on screen prompts to guide you (only afterwards did I think to look at the instructions booklet).Once set-up the device is simple to use with no need to delve into the settings unless you're travelling between different jurisdictions or just curious. If needed, the setting's menus are simple and straight forward to follow. The Excel powers up quickly (within 5 seconds) and does so silently (a nice feature compared to the whining noise of the Elite, which took about 15-20 seconds). Following a test the results are displayed with a large digital display (in the units of your choice BAC% or Mg/L) and a clear colour indication warning you not to drive as appropriate.The Excel comes boxed with 3 x AAA Batteries and four mouth pieces -although a pack of 25 at £10 is almost twice as much as the Elite "straws" they are much more robust and if limited to personal use can be washed and reused.Having read the Auto Express review (backed with a little science), and spent a little longer using the earlier Elite model, I am reassured that this is a quality product and one I am prepared to depend upon (the morning after) to protect my licence. Product was dispatched quickly and arrived within a few days.Disclosure: As an existing AlcoSense Elite user I received the Excel as a free upgrade in exchange for an honest product review.
Great product, easy to set up

by Finchy on 2017-01-04

Great product, easy to set up, easy to use. A must have for anyone considering a few drinks in the evening knowing they need to drive the next morning.
Really Quick and Easy to Use - No Brainer

by Mrs. Amanda R. Axel-berg on 2016-12-27

As I had previously purchased the AlcoSense Elite, I was offered a free upgrade unit of the AlcoSense Excel in exchange for an honest review of the Elite.This are my experiences of this unit, the information provided is accurate to the best of my knowledge at the time this review was written.Consult the user guide, manufacturer and your local laws for advise on alcohol limits and the driving law in your area.Do not drink and drive.PROS:- Easy to use (menu driven with three buttons)- Calibration before each use is very quick (takes around 10 seconds before it's ready to use, much quicker than others I've used)- High quality and easy to read screen (really impressed with this)- Very Good build quality (family member described it as looking like an Apple product)- Quick Response with Reading after test- You don't have to blow into unit for too long before it reads the result (Elite took quite a lot of time breathing into unit before it would analyse)- "Accurate" - Several concurrent tests produced the same or very similar results (also tested with a group of people)- Easy to know when not to drive - if within 20%-80% of drink drive limit goes amber, if within 20% of limit clear do not drive warning displayed- Unit powers on quickly- Unit can be updated via included USB Cable- Easy to change settings, if neededCONS:- The tester blow tubes can easily be lost (spares ARE included, however)- One result produced a wildly inaccurate result (the user had just had a drink before testing - AlcoSense clearly warn against doing this)After receiving an eMail from AlcoSense offering me a free upgrade, I sent off my existing unit and ordered I a replacement unit at no cost, which arrived promptly.N.B. I notice AlcoSense offer a discount on each of their models, if upgrading from a cheaper model (just send back your existing unit in exchange).The box includes the breathalyser, USB Cable, Batteries, Tubes for testing and the user manual.After opening the box and installing the batteries, I powered on the unit and was immediately impressed by how much better the screen is (high quality colour TFT Screen).The initial setup is very easy (and can be done without the manual!). You set the time/date and alcohol limit and unit type (will give you a country list for reference).To use it, you slide the top of unit up and insert a blow tube into the hole at the bottom.I tested the unit on a couple of occasions with both myself and my family over Christmas and everyone was impressed by the build quality and easy of use of the product.I also tested myself 3-4 times over 15 minutes to make sure the result was accurate and found the result initially returned the same result then slowly dropped.I would definitely recommend spending the extra money and going for this over the Elite, and would avoid cheap breathalysers!I've had bad experiences with cheap breathalysers in the past, but have been very satisfied with both the Elite and the Excel.Both units are small enough to fit into my glove box and storage draw in my car. I've kept both in the car and always use them the morning after to check I'm safe to drive.N.B. It's important that you don't test yourself for at least 45 minutes after your last drink as your alcohol level may continue to rise as your body will continue to absorb alcohol for some time after your last drink.It's also worth noting that if any alcohol gets onto the sensor it will give an invalid reason as the alcohol concentration is too high (and can damage the sensor).One family member blew a result of around 4% BAC, which was way higher than anyone else (who'd drunk more). He'd taken a drink just before blowing into it.However, after a minute or so, I tested myself again and found the result was the same as my previous result so it appeared not to have damaged or affected the unit adversely.It's better not to drive at all the same day and use a breathalyser for the morning after.You can get any of the Alcosense Breathalysers calibrated for about £20, so you know they're still accurate after a year.

by RH on 2016-12-24

First breathalyser I have owned. Very easy to use and seems like good quality. Tested the morning after a party and was over the limit, scary how easy you could lose your licence. Very happy with my purchase.
Excellent product

by Sally/John Coleman on 2016-12-21

This is a great product that performs exactly as stated. Very simple to use. Company also great to deal with. Would certainly recommend.
Highly Reliable and Accurate Breath Analyzer!

by AC on 2016-12-20

If you are reading this review, I am sure you are looking for a Breath Analyzer which is reliable, accurate and provides peace of Mind. ALCOSENSE make some great products in this area. Their products are not only good, but they have an EXCELLENT CUSTOMER SUPPORT and provide very quick replies to all inquiries.There are lot of breath analyzers in the market which are cheaper. These may or may not provide accurate results. DO YOU WANT TO USE A NON-RELIABLE BRAND AND RISK YOUR LIFE AS WELL AS LICENSE? I do not think so…. please do not buy something which cannot assure accurate results… as this nullifies the need to purchase a breath analyzer in the first place.The product from AlcoSense, looks great, has a nice screen, intuitive menu options and provides very accurate results. I recently bought and tested this myself and also my friends have used it. Everyone was really very impressed by this little device which provides assurance similar to Professional Grade Police breath analyzers.ALCOSENSE ALSO HAS NUMEROUS REVIEWS AND AWARDS FROM THE TOP REVIEW SITES WHICH AGAIN VALIDATES THEIR CLAIMS AND HELPS MAKE THE RIGHT CHOICE.Again, if you are looking for Breath Analyzers, invest and Get Alcosense Excel. And if you Budget affords get the Pro version. Take the Guess work out and Have a Safe and peaceful Drive. 10 Stars to Alcosense for their products!! HIGHLY RECOMMENDED and a MUST BUY!!
Easy to set up

by T Coan on 2016-12-19

Easy to set up .Easy to use. Gives you the confidence that you are legal and safe to drive.I received the AlcoSense Excel free of charge to review as an existing AlcoSense Elite user.
Never lose your Driving licence

by Riz F. on 2016-12-18

I owned the Elite Alcosense and was offered a free upgrade to Alcosense excel for an honest review.Arrived on time as promised. Well boxed and packaged. Compact and modern design. Measurements are L= 10cm, W=5cm, D=2.5cm but can carry in your pocket. It comes with batteries and five tubes. Setup takes less than 5 mins. If you read the clear instructions and follow as requested, you will not go wrong. Tried it after one drink followed by a coffee and 30 mins, came back with below limit as expected. Tried it on a friend after three drinks and it failed him. Clear colour readout and immediate result. A definite upgrade from the Alcosense elite.You carry this in your pocket or handbag. No guesswork required. I can drink and party without worry. Other plus points are that it can be setup for use in pretty much most countries in the world besides the UK.Well done Alcosense.
Five Stars

by Amazon Customer on 2016-12-17

excellent product backed up by first class service
Simple to use.

by Mr D. on 2016-12-16

Easy to use. Even a child could do it. I love the bit that gives you hrs/mins to sober. (I'm actually reviewing the Pro version not the excel because they gave me a free upgrade.) I work on a mine with zero tolerance to alcohol so hopefully it will secure my job.
... an existing AlcoSense Elite user and I am really happy with it

by Charlie on 2016-12-15

I received the AlcoSense Excel free of charge to review as an existing AlcoSense Elite user and I am really happy with it. The Excel is a big step up on the Elite, not only is it super easy to use but the higher accuracy of this model gives you piece of mind. I really like the display as you get a lot more information from it than what you got with the Elite. It's really quick and easy to perform a test, just what you want to check that you're safe to drive.
Excellent product. You know it makes sense !

by Amazon Customer on 2016-12-15

This is an excellent product. Not cheap but the accuracy determines the quality. I need my driving licence and the new alcohol limits here in Scotland have been lowered making drivers ultra cautious. I read the rigorous test results in Auto Car magazine and bought on the strength of that. Since then I have done a fair bit of testing out of curiosity to give myself a better understanding of BAC ( breath alcohol content) and the educative ,clear and instructive guide included helped greatly. The ability to easily change the various parameters for different countries is useful and simple. Why can't more products be this good. Honestly, I'm impressed. I am not an employee or shareholder in this company but will check and see if they are listed. I bought this breathalyser for the "morning after" especially this time of year( Christmas) but it has been useful in other circumstances too. We had to return to a restaurant as a friend had left his meds, after waiting the appropriate time , the breathalyser showed he was below the limit to drive and saved a costly taxi fare. It has a quality finish too, reminiscent of an apple product.
Was easy to set up and use and is very accurate ...

by Phil on 2016-12-14

Quick delivery of item. Was easy to set up and use and is very accurate with clear readouts and advice. A must to ensure you are OK to drive, especially the next morning after a night out. Can be quicky changed in the menu to use in many other countries with different legal levels of alcohol in breath or blood.
Top choise

by Pawel on 2016-12-14

Superb, had few different before but nothing like this. Very solid build and dead easy to use. Highly recommended 5*
easy to set up (around 3 mins) and intuitive to ...

by Bronco on 2016-12-12

The Alcosense Excel is a Breathalyser that is well packaged, easy to set up (around 3 mins) and intuitive to use. Size wise - it's slightly bigger than the Elite, I guess about the same size as 2 decks of playing cards stacked on top of each other or just a bit thicker than a pack of cigarettes (does anybody smoke anymore?) so it can easily fit in your pocket, handbag or car glovebox.I've been using this product and the Elite for just over a month now - it's Party Season and I can't afford to take any chances with either the safety of others or my livelihood which depends on me being able to drive. It's been surprising/sobering to see just how much alcohol is in your system - on a couple of nights I've returned home (via taxi of course) and felt "absolutely fine to drive", I tested myself and on one occasion I was at 0.85 BAC so definitely not good to drive and on the other occasion I was under 0.5 BAC so legally able to drive in the UK - I couldn't discern the difference at the times with how I was feeling. This produce is marketed more as a "morning after" tool and to that end I was surprised when going back to our friend's house to pick up our car how much was left in my system from the night before - 0.28 BAC which was a good 9hrs after my last drink (it was a good night).So my advice is, take the guesswork out - don't risk being over the limit and driving... get one of these today. My family have been hearing me rave/bore on about these and have all asked for one in their Christmas stocking - which I'm only too happy to oblige.Cheers!BPlease Note: I received the AlcoSense Excel at a small discount to review as an existing AlcoSense Elite user. I've decided to keep both and I can recommend both, they each have their separate price points - the differences as I see them are... Excel is: slight bigger; easier/quicker to set up (can be used straight out of the box whereas Elite requires you to activate the sensor with a small bit of alcohol); has a better display (colour); is slightly more expensive to service £25 compared to £20 (annual service recommended).
AlcoSense Inhaler tubes

by O G. on 2016-12-11

The inhaler tubes don't seem to fit the machine very well
Save your licence

by W. MCDONALD on 2016-12-10

Upgraded to this having previously had the Elite.This model uses same tech as police.Very easy to set up and seems very accurate.Used after a party next morning also on some guests who had stayed over,after following instructions 4 out of 5 failed they were shocked but saved their licence.In comparison to losing you licence this is well worth the investment.BEWARE of cheap Chinese machines that are not accurate!
The Excel does it all

by Mr. J. G. Sutherland on 2016-12-09

Like many, I have upgraded from an Elite to the Excel and I am certainly not disappointed. Whilst it is a slightly larger unit, it is still compact in the using and transporting sense. A lovely piece of kit which certainly does the job with ease. The whole offer is superb - the packaging is great - the style and finish of the product is excellent and the instructions are so clear - a delight. It is really nice to come across a product and a company that deliver a great product and service. I assume, with great confidence, that the product does the job. It is a reassuring product. Thanks
Auto Express best buy 2016 review – spot on.

by RichmtBat on 2016-12-07

I bought the AlcoSense Excel after reading the Auto Express best buy 2016 review. It’s really simple to set up and use and from the tests I’ve carried out on myself, it appears to be very accurate.
I’m not disappointed at all

by Theo on 2016-12-04

I got this to replace an AlcoSense Elite I’ve had for many years. I went ahead and got it after seeing the Auto Express group test it won last week. I’m not disappointed at all! It’s a great bit of kit and a big leap from the Elite model I previously had.

Pros: The design is nice, screen easy to use and the alerts clear. The menu is easy to use and straight forward. I can’t test the accuracy scientifically but it seems exactly where I would expect it to be from experience and the readings are very consistent and repeatable, however, Auto Express tested the accuracy scientifically and it came out top so that’s good enough for me!

Cons: none yet!
The best product ever. Recommend.

by Driver on 2016-12-03

Perfect breathalyzer for morning after. It is very accurately.
Peace of Mind

by GAN on 2016-12-02

Accuracy, that's the big question.I've been looking for a Breathalyser for a while as I have been worried by the "Morning after" risk. I don't drive the day after if I have been out on a night where I have a lot to drink but hearing people quoted as saying "I felt fine but I was over the limit" was a concern, I wouldn't drive unless I felt fine but what is my actual Blood alcohol level? Looking at items on market, very few quote accuracy, this brand does and also offers a re-calibration service! So then it was cost. Having personal experience of Fuel Cells they are a recognised method of measurement, so this offered the best value for money for me. The item is quite chunky and solid and offers a PC connection for results.In this time of "You get what you pay for" this offered me the best balance of Cost vs Do you believe what it is telling you? This made sense.
Fantastic Product

by Dingo on 2016-11-30

This is a fantastic product.. as someone who drives for a living. The morning after always worried me. As I have to dine out with Clients a couple of times per week. Event if I only have 2-3 glasses of wine I never knew if I was legal to drive the next day.. now its a simple test and I can drive with confidence... would recommend this to everyone . I think everyone should own one...

by Fraser on 2016-11-29

Great bit of kit. Well built and easy to use
Excellent breathalyser with Police Breathalyser technology.

by abm on 2016-11-24

Really happy with this Breathalyser . The AlcoSense Excel was really easy to set up and use with clear display screen results. The fact that it uses the same technology used in many Police Breathalysers inspires me with confidence. It’s compact size makes it really easy to keep into the glove box in the car and I would recommend this for all drivers especially coming up to the Christmas drink drive period as it may save you your license.
Brilliant piece of kit to protect my driving license.

by Emma on 2016-11-23

I am absolutely delighted with the new Excel and it is easy to see as to the reason it has won the Auto Express Best Buy award. It was simple to set up with very clear instructions. I regularly drive early in the morning and therefore it is an absolute must to protect my license. Would definitely recommend.

AlcoSense Excel Bränslecell Alkoholmätare

Availability: Kjell & Company

1 599,00 kr