AlcoSense Pro Bränslecell Alkoholmätare

"Auto Express Magazine rekommenderade 2018 & EVO Magazine rekommenderade 2019 produkten"
Om man tar priset i betraktning är AlcoSense Pro utan tvekan den mest avancerade alkoholmätaren på marknaden. Det är resultatet av 3 års forskning och utveckling, AlcoSense Pro (och dess storebror, Ultra) ger dig noggrannhet, funktioner och användarvänlighet på en ny nivå. Vinnare 2016 av Red Dot Design Award.


Omdöme: Den brittiska tillverkaren Alcosenses Promodell ligger i toppskiktet i testet. Alcosense lägger på tio procent på testresultaten för att ge användaren en säkerhetsmarginal... Den har en tydlig och lättfattlig färgdisplay. Alcosense Pro är en bra mätare man kan lita på.

Group Test Winner


Betyg: ★★★★★

"AlcoSense Excel har tilldelats MHF:s toppbetyg:” Pålitlig & Driftsäker ”i MHFs konsumenttest 2019

Group Test Winner

Januari 2020

Rating: ★★★★★

“…är precisionen så pass hög, särskilt för Pro och Ultra-modellerna, att de trots det höga priset ändå är prisvärda och får en rekommenderas-logga av oss.”


AlcoSense Pro Bränslecell Alkoholmätare

Fördelar med Pro:

- 121mm2 Bränslecell sensor - mindre version av den som polisen använder.
- Mer än dubbelt så precis i sina mätningar som prisbelönta AlcoSense Elite
- Timer som räknar ut när du blir nykter och dags att testa igen. 
- Databas med promillegränser i världens alla länder.
- Blow Coach gör det extra enkelt att blåsa rätt när du mäter promillevärdet.
- Vinnare - Red Dot Product Design Award 2016

Om man tar priset i betraktning är AlcoSense Pro utan tvekan den mest avancerade alkoholmätaren  på marknaden. Det är resultatet av 3 års forskning och utveckling, AlcoSense Pro (och dess storebror, Ultra) ger dig extrem noggrannhet, många funktioner och användarvänlighet på en ny nivå. Vinnare 2016 av Red Dot Design Award.

AlcoSense tillverkas och designas i Storbritannien och är utrustad med patenterade nya funktioner. Något som gör att alkoholmätaren ligger på en nivå mycket nära de mätare polisen använder.


Professionell Noggrannhet

Pro har vi lagt till på grund av att alkoholmätaren använder en professionell bränslecellsensor på 121 mm², den är identisk med sin storebror AlcoSense Ultra som ligger på 200 mm² vilket är det som används i polisens alkoholmätare i flera brittiska, amerikanska och europeiska länder. Du får oöverträffad noggrannhet med Pro för ett bra pris, noggrannheten är nästan dubbel i förhållande till AlcoSense Elite

pro sensor

Avancerat provtagningssystem med temperaturkompensation

AlcoSense Pro har ett avancerat provtagningssystem för att säkerställa att endast djup lungluft (den mest exakta delen av andningen) mäts. Den använder avancerade sensorer för att mäta utandningstrycket, flödeshastighet och andningsvolymen, som andas ut. Avläsningen sker när 1 liter luft har andats ut, vilket säkerställer att provet alltid blir så exakt som möjligt. För att förbättra noggrannheten finjusteras avläsningarna efter temperaturen. Dessa sensorer gör det också möjligt för Pro att erbjuda den smarta funktionen BlowCoach ™

Alcosense Pro


De flesta problem, när man gör alkoholmätningar, orsakas av att du antingen blåser för hårt, för mjukt eller inte tillräckligt länge – något som med vissa produkter kan detta också orsaka felaktiga resultat. BlowCoach ™ är en patenterad teknik från AlcoSense som gör det enkelt att göra en perfekt mätning varje gång!

Pro ger dig nämligen feedback i realtid på skärmen om hur du blåser. Du ska hålla visaren på den övre mätaren i mitten och fortsätta att blåsa tills den nedre mätaren är full.

Om resultatet skulle bli fel, är det här Pro är riktigt smart. Genom att använda inbyggda sensorer kan Pro berätta exakt varför testet misslyckades och ger dig skräddarsydda tips så att du snabbt kan få en rättfärdigt test nästa gång.

BlowCoach ™ minskar dramatiskt felmarginalen när du använda alkoholmätaren och gör att den blir enkel att använda.

Eliminerar felaktig avläsning med för lågt resultat.

EVarje alkoholmätare har en noggrannhets-tolerans på +/- X.XX av avläsningen - ju lägre tal, desto mer exakt är alkoholtestarens mätning. AlcoSense Pro har en smart inbyggd programvara för att eliminera felaktig avläsning - dvs. istället för att ha en tolerans på +/- 0,1 ‰ BAC, är AlcoSense Pros tolerans + 0,10 ‰ BAC, -0,00 ‰ BAC. Det betyder att Pro alltid avläser resultatet som lite högre, än lägre, för att vara på den säkra sidan – resultatet är mer än dubbelt så exakt som den prisbelönta AlcoSense Elite.

Bokstavligen alla gränsvärden i hela världen.

Med ett enda klick fungerar AlcoSense Pro med vilken gräns som helst, var som helst i världen! Välj bara land / region från menyn där du  ska köra och använd AlcoSense Pro patentsökta teknik, som lever upp till lokal lagstiftning. Alkoholmätaren använder den gräns och måttenhet som gäller där du befinner dig och använder  blodomvandling för att möjliggöra korrekta avläsningar av promillen i antingen blodalkohol eller andningsalkohol. Om gränsvärdet skulle ändras kan enheten uppdateras genom en programnedladdning från vår supportsida. Perfekt för dig som gränspendlar och till och med för resor mellan kontinenter.

Om du vill ställa in en egen  gräns som du väljer själv, kanske till exempel hälften av gränsvärdet för att köra, kan du även göra det. Välj "Gräns" från huvudmenyn för att justera till den gräns du önskar.


Prisbelönt produktdesign

AlcoSense Pro och Ultra vann det prestigefyllda Red Dot Award-priset 2016 för produkternas design. Red Dot Design Award är ett internationellt pris för produktdesign som delas ut av Red Dot Design Museum i Essen, Tyskland. År 2016 utvärderades totalt 5 216 produkter för att få utmärkelsen av en jury som bestod av 41 oberoende designproffs. Tidigare vinnare av priset är bl a Apple 2001, BMW 2007, LG 2008, Porsche Design 2012, Lenovo 2013, Bose 2014 och Dell 2015. Du kan ta reda på mer genom att klicka på vår utmärkelsessida för alkoholmätare.

Red Dot Design Award Winner 2016

Enkelhet och precision är de kärnvärden som AlcoSense Pro återger från grunden genom sin produktdesign.

Detaljerade resultat som är enkla att förstå

AlcoSense Pro har en fullfärgad 1,8 tum (48 mm) TFT-skärm som ger tydliga och detaljerade avläsningar av din alkoholnivå. Du kan välja avläsning av utandning eller blod (mg / L eller µg / 100 ml) eller blod (% BAC eller ‰ BAC). Om du är nära eller över din valda gräns kommer Pro att varna dig för att inte köra bil.

Nedräkningstimer som visar tiden till du blir nykter och alarmfunktion för nytt test

AlcoSense Pro beräknar till och med hur lång tid det kan ta tills du är nykter och visar det samtidigt med resultatet av din mätning, se bild ovan och nedan. Vill du ha en påminnelse om när du ska testa dig igen senare? Inga problem, tryck bara på larmikonen så kommer Pro att meddela dig när det är dags för ett nytt testa igen senare.


Pro lagrar 128 testresultat med både datum och tid för mätningarna.

Bakgrundsbelyst "Twin" blåserörsreceptor

Pro har en bakgrundsbelyst blåserörsreceptor som gör det  enkelt att sätta på ett nytt blåsrör även i svagt ljus. Pro fungerar med både "Pro" -munstyckena som har en enkelriktad ventil för att eliminera förorening från tidigare tester för ultimat noggrannhet, och med de "vanliga" munstyckena som används till AlcoSense Lite och Elite.


Alla alkoholmätare kräver omkalibrering efter en period av användning. AlcoSense Pro har en branschledande kalibreringsperiod på 12 månader från första gången du använder den. För att förbättra tillförlitligheten och användarvänligheten påminner AlcoSense Pro om att kalibrera om efter 11 månaders användning. När kalibreringen löper ut är det bara att skicka mätaren till oss så kommer vi att kalibrera den åt dig med hjälp av specifika andningssimulatorer som polisen använder. Vi returnerar mätaren till dig inom 5 arbetsdagar.


Om en alkoholmätare används under förhållanden som avviker från mätarens normala driftstemperatur, kan du få felaktiga avläsningar. Temperaturen kan påverka kvaliteten på reaktionen inuti sensorn. För din säkerhet och ditt skydd kommer AlcoSense Pro att varna dig om enheten används i temperaturer som som avviker från 5 ° C ~ 40 ° C och påverkar kvaliteten på mätningarna (notera att driftstemperaturen är enhetens temperatur, inte den omgivande lufttemperaturen). Detta betyder att, till skillnad från konkurrerande varumärken, kommer Pro aldrig att låta dig utföra ett test om det finns risk för att få ett opålitligt resultat.


Till skillnad från konkurrerande varumärken skyddar AlcoSense Pro dig också från felaktigheter orsakade av "Sensormättnad". Sensormättnad kan påverka alla alkoholmätare, inklusive polisens mätare och uppstår när extremt höga alkoholnivåer blåses direkt in i sensorn. Normalt händer detta när ett andningstest utförs strax efter att man har druckit, när alkohol fortfarande finns i munnen. Sensorn blir överbelastad, så kallad ”mättnad” uppstår. Avläsningar som tas efter detta kan vara opålitliga tills sensorn har återställs. För din säkerhet och trygghet kommer AlcoSense Pro då att gå in i ett skyddsläge som gör att sensorn kan återhämta sig innan ytterligare tester tillåts, för att säkerställa att potentiellt opålitliga avläsningar inte uppstår.

Garanterad kvalitet & tillförlitlighet

AlcoSense Pro tillverkas i enlighet med ISO13485, riktmärket för kvalitetssystem för medicintekniska produkter. Efter kalibrering testas varje enhet tre gånger. På så vis säkerställer vi noggrannheten innan den lämnar fabriken, vilket betyder att Pro är en enhet du kan lita på.

pro quality

Additional Information

Suitable forConsumer Use, Workplace Use
AwardsAuto Express Recommended 2018, EVO Product Test Commended, Senses SE Rekommenderas, Auto Express Recommended 2017, Auto Express Recommended 2016, Red Dot 2016
Certified StandardISO13485
Product Accuracy+0.10‰BAC, -0.00‰BAC
Sensor TypeFuel Cell
Sensor Size (mm²)121 mm²
Police SensorSmaller version of exactly the same fuel cell sensor used in several UK, US and European Police breathalysers
Breath Sampling SystemAdvanced
Don't Drive Alert When Close to LimitYes
Adjustable Don’t Drive Alert LevelAdjustable - Any Limit Pre-Loaded, Adjustable - Any UK/Irish/Scottish Limit
BlowCoach* - Real time blowing feedbackNo
Features - Ease of UseBacklit Mouthpiece Receiver, BlowCoach - live on-screen blowing feedback, Don't Drive Alert When Close to Limit, Re-Calibration Reminder, Re-Test Alarm, Shows Estimated Time Until Sober, USB Port for Updates & Improvements
Features - AccuracyBreath Sampling Sensors, Sensor Overload Protection, Sensor Purge for Better Accuracy, Temperature Compensation
Unit of Measure%BAC (Blood Alc), mg/L (Breath Alc), µg/100mL (Breath Alc), ‰BAC (Blood Alc)
Reading DetailUp to 2 or 3 decimal places
Max Reading4.0
Test Memory128 Tests
Screen Size48mm
Screen TypeFull Colour TFT
Mouthpiece TypeBlow Tubes, Professional Mouthpieces
Re-Calibration Period12 Months
Re-Calibration Cost£29.99
Expiry DateNo
Product Dimensions(H x W x D): 107 x 55 x 29 mm
Product Weight147g (Incuding Batteries)
In The Box1 x Breathalyzer, 3 x AAA Batteries, 5 x Professional Mouthpieces, Instruction Manual, Micro USB Cable
Warranty12 Months (Register your unit for 3 years)
Media Reviews

Media Reviews


Omdöme: Den brittiska tillverkaren Alcosenses Promodell ligger i toppskiktet i testet. Alcosense lägger på tio procent på testresultaten för att ge användaren en säkerhetsmarginal... Den har en tydlig och lättfattlig färgdisplay. Alcosense Pro är en bra mätare man kan lita på.


Rating: ★★★★★

"AlcoSense Excel has been awarded MHF's top rating: ”Pålitlig & Driftsäker” i MHFs konsumenttest 2019

Januari 2020

Rating: ★★★★★

“…är precisionen så pass hög, särskilt för Pro och Ultra-modellerna, att de trots det höga priset ändå är prisvärda och får en rekommenderas-logga av oss.”

Read the full review here


"För att summera Alcosense Pro vill vi mena att det är en liten och behändig alkoholmätare med hög tillförlitlighet."


AlcoSense Pro Fuel Cell Breathalyzer

8/10 rating - Smooth and precise

“Simple, smooth and gives very good measurement results…”

+ Very flexible and intuitive device that is completely self-explanatory.
+ Measurements go fast and are very good precision in (albeit not class-leading, so margin in the right direction)
+ Pro features like the exhalation guide and estimated time to sobriety are nice features, which are easily worth the price step up from Excel (which lacks this).


"Betyg & Omdöme: 9/10 

En snabb, lättbegriplig och tydlig alkomätare med bränslecell som enligt uppgift ska vara lika exakt som exempelvis polisens utrustning. Priset kan tyckas saftigt, men rattfylla kostar mer. Och är betydligt mer korkat.”

Evo Group Test Commended Logo

Group Test Runner Up
(AlcoSense Excel 1st - AlcoSense Pro 2nd)

26th April 2019

Rating: ★★★★

"It [the AlcoSense Pro] topped our accuracy test ahead of the AlcoSense Excel. AlcoSense is the clear industry leader: we suggest you pick the one that matches your budget. The Excel offers an excellent mix of price and performance - but if you can afford it, buy the Pro."

Read the full article here

March 2018

Rating: ★★★★

The AlcoSense Pro came second to the AlcoSense Excel in the 2016 Auto Express breathalyser Group Test, featuring ten breathalysers from 6 different brands! Testing under lab and real world conditions they concluded:

"Spend £50 more than on the AlcoSense Excel and you get quite a bit more with the Pro. It topped our accuracy tests by a small margin from the Excel. For the next step up, look no further than the Pro."

Read the full article here

"The AlcoSense Pro and Ultra have been awarded the international distinction of the Red Dot Award for exceptional product design against competition from multinationals including, Dell, Lenovo, LG, Apple, Logitech and many more. A total of 5,214 products from 57 nations were assessed by a jury of 41 independent designers, design professors and specialist journalists to decide the winners of the 2016 Red Dot Product Design Award, with the AlcoSense Pro and Ultra breathalysers winning the “Red Dot Award: Product Design”.

Red Dot has been an internationally recognised design award since its inception in 1955 and is recognised as a quality label for excellent product design. Past prize-winners include Siemens in 1995, Apple in 2001, BMW in 2007, LG in 2008, Porsche in 2012, Lenovo in 2013, Bose in 2014; and Dell in 2015.

Designed in the UK, the AlcoSense Pro & Ultra are the culmination of 3 years R&D and reflects AlcoSense’s values of simplicity, functionality and precision. The result is a breathalyser with near Police level accuracy and several patented innovations which bring a level of performance & ease of use previously unseen in the industry.

The product’s external design also impressed the jury by reflecting these values in a refined the external form with precise split lines and slide action with hidden mechanism, invisible battery compartment and backlit mouthpiece hole for use in low light conditions."

Sunday Times Breathalyzer Review

Rating: ★★★★★

The test involved using a machine to pump vapour from a solution of alcohol and water (using a human test subject introduces inconsistencies) into a Draeger police evidential breathalyser, which is used at police stations (they offer an industry-best ±0.03‰ BAC), and immediately after running the same test with the Pro.

The results: 

  • Draeger Alcotest 9510: 0.312mg/l
  • AlcoSense Pro: 0.32mg/l

The AlcoSense Pro got impressively close to the benchmark police evidential breathalyser. 

In addition, helpful features of the Pro include colour-coded results (red being over the limit), a backlit tube connector, the amusingly-named BlowCoach (shows in realtime whether you're blowing too soft or hard to get an accurate reading), and a handy Time Until Sober reading.

The Pro also works abroad as it includes a database of legal limits in various countries/regions — you simply tell it where you are and it'll do the rest.

the AlcoSense Pro appears to be a good investment for any law-abiding driver, especially during the Christmas party season, to make sure you're not caught out the morning after. The alternative could ruin your life.

Rating: ★★★★★

Read the full review here.



 Telegraph Review of the AlcoSense Pro

"...a fresh level of accuracy in consumer breath-testing."

“It’s very straightforward to use…. to get the same features as the Pro you’ll have to pay approximately twice as much.”

“Its accuracy was proven in a demonstration in our office comparing an AlcoSense pro against a correctly calibrated, Home Office-approved breath alcohol simulator. Reassuringly, the Pro passed with flying colours.”

Read the full review here.



Financial Times Breathalyser Review

8th July 2017

“A failsafe breathalyser for the international traveller”

Read the full review here

AlcoSense Pro - AutoExpress Hot Kit


10th February 2016

"The sleek Alcosense Pro is handy and simple to use, with a high-spec fuel-cell sensor that gives almost the same accuracy as police kit. The sensor has accounted for a 10 per cent tolerance, to prevent giving an under-reading. It also helps control breath flow, so you don’t breathe too hard, too softly or not long enough – all explained on the hi-res colour TFT screen. If you’re over the limit, it’ll advise how long to wait until you’re sober. EXACTLY when are you safe to drive again the morning after a night out drinking? There’s no real certainty, so investing in a personal breathalyser is one way to be sure."




The Sun Motors Breathalyzer Review


"Alcosense Pro is a top-of-the-range model and offers reliable accurate readings, which could prove priceless... As far as breathalysers go, this is one of the best"

Read the full article here



The Guardian Breathalyzer Review

"Designed in the UK, both breathalysers offer levels of accuracy, reliability and consistency that we as consumers have not been able to access until now."

"The units have several excellent features. They are pre-loaded with all the different limits in every country, so if travelling in Europe, for instance, you wouldn’t be caught out by different levels when crossing borders. Also, they feature an ‘estimated time until sober’ with an alarm that alerts you to re-test again when it is likely you will be safe to drive. The AlcoSense Pro costs £129.99 (£149.99 from February 2016) and the Ultra is £249.99 – which isn’t cheap but considering the alternatives could be a bargain."

Read the full review here.



Scottish Sun Breathalyzer Review


"An AlcoSense Pro breathalyser could be the smartest gift you buy this year. The Pro knows it is in Scotland, knows the limit and can even tell you when you can next drive. It uses a 121mm2 version of the 200mm2 “Fuel Cell” sensor used in several UK police forces. That sounds technical but this machine even gives you a lesson on how to give a breath sample properly with its BlowCoach mechanism. It doesn’t get any easier than that. — so there are no excuses for being over the limit."

Read the full review here.



18th May 2017

Rating: ★★★★★
Winner: Recommended Award

“AlcoSense Excel and Pro review: Are these the best breathalysers in the business?”

“Yes. The AlcoSense Excel and especially the Pro are great products. They’re easy to use and packed with thoughtful features and, most importantly, they’re accurate. But is it worth your while spending up to £150 on one? … Absolutely. These devices will tell you unequivocally and, with absolute clarity, if you’re okay or not to drive.”

Read the full review here


10th October 2017 Issue

“We’ve seen some pretty flashy breathalysers in our time. But with features like the Blow Coach and Time Until Sober, this one really does take the whole bloody biscuit tin.”

Read the full review here

Diesel Car AlcoSense Pro Breathalyser Review

"We pitched the AlcoSense Pro up against the police evidential tester and it was absolutley spot-on for accuracy, every time. It's a neat little piece of kit too, small enough to slip into a pocket, smooth-looking and easy to use."

DieselCar Magazine, May 2016 Issue

 Read review here


“One of the most advanced breathalysers around for its price. It’s basically a smaller version of what the police use.”

FQ Magazine, Autumn Edition



“the Pro is ahead of the game, condensing cutting edge technology and design into one super simple personal breathalyser… the best personal breathalyser available to buy right now.”

Read the full article here

Parkers Breathalyzer Review - AlcoSense Pro

"Just how accurate are home breathalyzers? We test one against a Police-spec unit.

We tested it [AlcoSense Pro] scientifically (not in the pub, honest) with some control alcohol measured to read just below the UK’s 35ml drink-drive limit. Tested on the sort of super-accurate unit the Police will use at the station for your conviction, we found our test unit [the AlcoSense Pro] read almost exactly the same as the Police device.

Verdict: If you drink, buy one. It’s a no-brainer, really."

Read the full review here



Car Mechanics Review of AlcoSense Pro

“In the side-by-side comparison, the AlcoSense Pro proved to be as accurate as the larger machine [£13,000 Police breathalyser], as well as offering a number of innovations over other compact breathalysers.”




Lorraine ITV Breathalyzer Review

The Lorraine Show, ITV 1


“It’s very easy to be still over the drink drive limit in the morning; and the ‘Morning After campaign’ the Police have been running are picking up a lot more convictions now than they did 10 years ago. It’s worth getting yourself a DIY breathalyser. The AlcoSense Pro works very well and you can use it as many times as you like”.

Dr Hilary Jones

"A really, really handy thing"
Lorraine Kelly



Image result for practical caravan


"This device uses sensors developed from UK police units, so you can be sure you're safe to get behind the wheel if you've enjoyed a few drinks the night before."




"A 5-6% margin of error is added so that it never under-reads, and it switches between different countries with a few clicks of a button."

" ...this is a cost-effective way of keeping you, your licence and other road users safe." 





“delivers a level of accuracy that is on a par with police-approved devices”

 Read the full review here 



Rating: ★★★★★

“Easy to use and super accurate”

January 2018 Issue



 "The Pro is sleek and modern looking, with a simplistic design." "Once set-up the device itself is actually quite quick to use."

"blow to hard, too soft or not long enough, the Pro tells you clearly where you have gone couldn't be made much simpler."

"the Pro performed excellently"...."clear and easy to understand"

"For any person who drives frequently, and especially for those whose livelihood depends on it, the AlcoSense Pro is a perfect solution to allow them to be confident in knowing the alcohol level in their system..."

Read the full review here


Mighty Gadget AlcoSense Pro Breathalyser Review

20th July 2017

"one of the most accurate devices on the market.... if your livelihood is dependent on your driving licence then this could be a very wise investment."

Read the full review here


“At its price, the AlcoSense Pro is arguably the most advanced breathalyser on the market”

November 2017 Issue

29th November 2017

“The AlcoSense Pro is top of the market. Right now, I wouldn’t be without it.”

Read the full review here


Road Magazine and Blog Logo

"One of the smartest, simplest & most effective car-related gadgets we've had the pleasure of testing. Compact, cool and clear."

Read the full review here

“Using the device is about as simple as it gets. Just slide the cover open, put the blow tube in place, follow the on-screen instructions of how long and how strongly to blow, and inspect the results. The breathalyser then tells you if you are under, close to or over the limit.”

Issue - October 2017

Customer Reviews

Rated 4.9/5 from 254 customer reviews


by Robinjarvisto on 2024-09-13

Snabb och bra modell, + att den räknar ut hur lång tid det tar att bli nykter
Easy to use

by AL on 2024-09-10

Easy setup and to use!
Mycket nöjd

by Pontus on 2024-08-26

Mycket nöjd över köpet.
Enda negativa var att knapparna upplevdes som
Något plastiga. I övrigt kanonbra.
Fungerar hur bra som helst

by Jan on 2024-08-26

Dock så åker betyget ner då det krävs Windows dator för att uppgradera mätaren
Prisvärd och enkel att hantera

by Emsch on 2024-08-18

Efter en del sökningar efter alkomätare med enkel funktion och pålitligt resultat kom vi fram till att alcosense var den bästa och mest prisvärd. Väl värd investeringen och enkel att använda.
Mycket bra produkt men saknar en väska till

by AnnaW on 2024-08-14

Jag är extremt nöjd med denna produkt och älskar att den talar om hur lång tid det är tills man är nykter med. Det enda som gör att jag inte är helt nöjd är att det inte medföljde ett fodral eller en väska till den för skydd. Jag ger ändå produkten fem stjärnor för det ska ju inte påverka det omdömet känner jag.
Bra köp men borde ingått en väska.

by Patrik on 2024-08-07

+Lätt att komma igång med denna mätare. Enkel att använda.
- Men det borde ingå en väska för detta pris och att certifikatet för uppdatering är giltigt.
Prisvärd mätare

by Lazpete on 2024-07-24

Har efter 11 år med en Dräger 3000 i dagarna bytt till denna. Fungerar enligt utlovat och har en del bra Funktioner bla lista med tidigare mätningar och olika gränser för alkohol.
Bästa köp i år

by Andy on 2024-07-05

Jag har länge funderat på att köpa en alkoholmätare men det har inte blivit av förrän nu. Har inte använt den mycket men den är väldigt enkel att använda och har alla funktioner man behöver.
Ska bli så skönt att kunna veta att man är ok innan man sätter sig framför ratten. Så många gånger jag har varit nervös att man varit över gränsen. Bästa köpet!
Mycket bra produkt

by Erik on 2024-05-22

Bra och lättanvänd alkomätare, uppfyller alla mina krav.
Bra och enkel produkt - men väskan skulle ha ingått

by Mikael on 2024-04-21

Enkel och tydlig användning. Oerhört bra storlek och kvalitén känns riktigt bra. Prisvärd. Köpte till väska som jag tror de allra flesta vill ha med och den borde ha följt med produkten och då kunde gärna priset vara lite högre. Risken är att mätaren finns hos leverantören men inte väskan och så blir man utan.
5 stjärnor

by SKRAVLET on 2024-04-13

Lättanvänd, pålitlig till ett rimligt pris.
Kan verkligen rekommendera min Alcosense Excel!
Simple to use!

by Scania on 2024-03-22

Excellent product, very simple to use and good build quality!
Användarvänlig och funktionell

by Mats S. on 2024-01-02

Jag köpte en Alcosense Pro innan jul och den har hittills fungerat utmärkt. Bra info via displayerna gör det svårt att göra fel. Enda nackdelen skulle vara att den behöver tre minuters vila mellan blåsningarna. Men det är bara ett problem om man är flera som ska blåsa.
Professionell alkomätare

by Magda on 2023-12-13

Professionell, lättanvänd och bra kvalite!
Great product

by Chris on 2023-12-13

Great product! Easy to use and a plus for showing time left to be able to drive. Worth every penny!

by YB on 2023-11-09

Bra produkt, lätt att komma igång, lätt att använda. Något krångligt förfarande att kolla att senaste programvaran är installerad.
Sjuk snabb på att läsa av!

by Perminen on 2023-10-26

Väldigt snabb uppstart. Snabb avläsning och enkel användning!
Nice thing

by Anders on 2023-07-07

Really easy to start up, no instruction notes needed. Nice display with clear messages. Easy to use and correct results. Good size, easy to pack in luggage or to have in car.
The best

by Lars on 2023-06-20

Easy to use, reliable, recommend.
Väldigt lätt att komma igång

by Fredrik on 2023-06-04

Helt klart en perfekt grej. Går inte att misslyckas med den. Allt ar tydligt hur man gör utan att behöva öppna instruktionsboken.
Användarvänlig mätare med hög kvalitet

by Peter on 2023-05-25

Väldigt nöjd med mätaren, perfekt för att garanterat vara körbar dagen efter.
Fungerar bra!

by Daniel on 2023-05-10

Än så länge har den fungerat perfekt.
Kan tycka att ett case borde följt med men det verkar som att man kan köpa det separat.
Jag skulle även rekommendera att skriva ner några av instruktionerna och ha dem tillsammans med mätaren då felanvändning kan skada den.
Lättanvänd o smidig

by Brunell on 2023-04-23

Känns som bra kvalite
Kvalitativ och mycket användarvänlig

by Wahn on 2023-01-22

Mycket enkel att starta, tydliga användarinstruktioner i displayen. Smidig att ta med sig. Helt klart värt pengarna.
Enkel att använda

by Wille on 2022-12-04

Enkel och snabb. lätt att förstå.

by Johan on 2022-12-04

Super easy to set up and use. Note that the blower pipe shall have a slight angle when you fit it.
Good, Reliable Product, easy to use

by Dac on 2022-11-19

Alcosense Pro is easy to use, it worked flawless during travel when the limits change between countries. The user interface is well designed. Consecutive measurements are in the same range, hence the measurement accuracy is reliable. Great product at a fair price.
Din bästa vän dagen efter.

by Mikael L on 2022-10-27

Jag är jättenöjd. Så pass att jag vill ge 5 stjärnor, trots att det inte medföljer ett fodral. Det tycker jag verkligen att det borde göra till en så pass dyrbar och viktig produkt.
Hur som helst, det är funktion och användarvänlighet jag recenserar nu, och då blir det 5/5.

by Nicke on 2022-09-27

Easy and quick to use. Reliably
Bra produkt

by Conny Antoniusson on 2022-08-18

Lätt och säker att använda, samt snabb leverans från mediamarket
Bra produkt!

by Simon1991 on 2022-08-01

Lätt att använda, förinställda värden på olika länder.
Rekommenderar skarpt!
Good product for driving safe

by Fredrik on 2022-06-15

Really good product for the day after, or if you only had a drink, before driving.
Will never drive before testing again!

by Rider on 2022-05-08

It is good to know tour status
Great Product for safer driving.

by Havardwa on 2021-12-05

Great product to secure that you wait enough time before driving the day after a party.

It feels much more secure to get the result instantly and the decide if it’s ok or if you have to wait for a few more hours.
Great product that adds extra safety while driving

by havardwa on 2021-12-04

This tool is great for the uncertainty about driving the day after participating in a party. This has happened to me several times, and it is always scary to assume that it is ok to start driving. Now it´s clearly displayed after performing a test. The tool seems well built and has lots of functionality. Important to read the instructions before use!
Bra produkt

by Calle on 2021-07-28

Lätt att använda, känns skönt att ha den med i bilen om man tagit en öl till maten hos vänner.
Enkelt handhavande, Bra!

by Ke on 2021-06-28

Enkelt att komma igång, snabb och förhoppningsvis tillförlitlig över tid.
Easy and practical

by Micke1989 on 2021-03-18

Easy and practical, seems very accurate. Don't drink 30min before blowing - big differences in results.

by Anders on 2021-01-31

Snabb och lätt att använda, gillar skarpt att den ger en indikation på hur lång tid tills man är ok för att köra!
Än så länge jättenöjd

by Mil on 2020-09-03

Snabb, lätthanterlig, hoppas tillförlitlig
It's perfect

by Peter on 2020-08-11

Bought this Pro some days ago. It's brilliant ,
it even tells you when you're sober again.
Easy to use

by Andreas on 2020-08-08

Very easy to use and also fast and quiet.
Super easy

by Donnydingel on 2020-08-07

I was about to buy the "little brother", But it was all sold out. So I bought the bit more expensive pro. I mean, It's is much to pay at once, But compared to Saved life and/or damage to the car, It's super cheap!

The setup was a breeze, easy and quick. One thing that was wierd was the warning that you could not change date and Time after it being set. Why?

The usage is super easy. The live feedback about how to blow is super smart and easy! Quick feedback about the result. Like the warnings and aprox time to sober (not 100% accurate, But Nice reference).
Snabb och smidig

by Malte on 2020-08-06

Har testat ett par alcomätare sen tidigare. Har nu införskaffat en Pro och måste säga att det är en av de mest lättanvända och smidigaste jag provat. Man behöver inte blåsa som en galning, och svaret kommer direkt. Ingen väntetid.
Även positivt att ländernas värden finns förinställda.
Det enda som jag kan vara lite negativt till är att den inte kommer med någon typ av förvaringspåse/låda till det relativt höga priset, utan att den måste köpas som tillbehör.
Men överlag mycket nöjd med inköpet. Känner mig trygg i att uppmätta resultatet stämmer. Och det är ju faktiskt det som är viktigast.

by Jocke on 2020-08-04

Very good quality
Väldigt enkel att använda

by Daren on 2020-06-12

Gillar enkelheten och den tydliga skärmen. Databasfunktionen med gränsvärden för olika länder är också ett stort plus.
Alcosense Pro smidig, snabb och pålitlig

by Köralltidnykter on 2020-03-08

Köpte en Alcosense pro när det var kampanj på Kjell & Company och ångrar inte köpet. Den är lätt att använda och ger ett tryggt och bra svar på om man skall ta bilen eller hur länge man behöver vänta innan det är någon ide. Köpte även med fodralen så nu finns den alltid tillhands i bilen.
Mycket nöjd

by Peter on 2020-03-06

Har haft den ett par veckor nu, känns tillförlitlig och korrekt i sina mätresultat. Kanske inte den enklaste att använda något diffusa och oklara menyval men det är ju en vanesak. Känner fullt förtroende för mätresultaten.
Great piece of kit.

by Shinyredcar on 2018-10-15

I’ve had the cheaper ones and had no faith in them. This is different, it’s not a toy and won’t let you just see how high you can get the number when stupidly drunk with friends. It can be adjusted for whichever country you are in and is extremely accurate.Personally, I only need it for the morning after as I’d never take the car out if I’m drinking, so this gives me the piece of mind to just get on, without having to worry about being stopped.Expensive, but worth it.
Essential for anyone who drinks alcohol and has a driving licence.

by P. J. Jenks on 2018-05-01

Designed and engineered in the UK, this little machine is simple and works well.Why did I chose this one? It uses the same measuring technology as the ones used by the police in may areas, so it is mist likely to give a similar reading. A secondary reason is that it has levels for most EU countries built in and lastly, because it can be re-calibrated every year in the UK.I use it mostly as a morning after check, but also if we go out for dinner and I have a glass or two of wine with a meal I check that I'm well under the limit: there is NO excuse for driving under the influence.Recommended without reservation.
Works well

by norksy on 2018-04-28

Easy to use and works!
If you want true peace of mind it’s worth investing in something you can truely trust.

by Spencer Ashton-Taylor on 2018-04-27

Having seen a few high profile cases of drink driving I never want to be in that situation. Bought this product to make absolutely sure I was never compromised. Very accurate and surprising how easy it might be to brush off the morning after effects. Easy to use. Love the time to sober element and worth every penny if you consider the devastating effects of losing a licence simply by assuming it’s okay to drive! If you want true peace of mind it’s worth investing in something you can truely trust.

by george mc ginley on 2018-04-27

Have tried it a few times its very easy to use i work in Holland and get breathalysed most mornings its to have so many countries where it works
Five Stars

by \keith N. on 2018-04-18

Not the cheapest tester but seems to work well.Rapid delivery.
Easy to use

by oldhelstonian on 2018-04-07

Used this a couple of times now and very pleased with it. Simple to use and provides results faster than the older model we had.
Five Stars

by Spoons1967 on 2018-04-01

Bought this for those morning after the night before moments, and it has proved its worth.
Get One

by Suny Bay on 2018-03-28

What a great piece of kit; I know it costs well north of £100 but if it saves people their jobs, or more importantly prevents accidents and saves lives, its very well worth it.I've always worked on the principle (being 6' 4" and 17 stones) of 1 pint just about OK to drive, 2 pints borderline so don't even think about it.The Alco Sense more or less confirms this with an ordinary pint of 4.2% bitter, 45 mins after drinking it reading 0.18 whereas two after 45 mins are 0.35 which is right on the limit. It also cranks up the reading when drinking on an empty stomach, which is how it should be- alcohol on am empty stomach enters the bloodstream more quickly than after a 14" pizza.As I rarely drink later than 6pm, the morning after readings are, to date, always green <0.09.
Clear and accurate guidance. Easy to use. Excellent product support.

by Ian McIntyre on 2018-03-24

Simple and easy to use right out of the box. Useful ability to tailor to different countries and output colour coded for unmistakable guidance. Went for fuel cell option in expectation of more accurate results. So far, this appears to be the case. Only glitch I’ve found is innacurate recording of time stamp with historical results. Don’t know if this is my set up or the software. Either way it’s not material to performance.Update: helpful response to support team query email within 24 hours that assured me that updating the firmware to latest version 1.01.28 resolves the time stamp issue. Downloaded the app onto my creaky windows laptop without incident, updated software and now functioning perfectly as promised. Excellent support unlike some electronic devices these days.
Great kit great price

by Scott P on 2018-03-17

This is a fantastic bit of kit with all of the country limits built in and is very easy to use. I am so pleased I spent the little extra money to get a bit of kit that has the same technology as the police breatherlisers so I can be confident I am safe to drive in the mornings the day after. It’s feels solid and not a cheap bit of plastic
Not entirely sure if it is properly fit for purpose

by John Harrington on 2018-03-03

Appears to be a quality product, Instructions suggest that you do not use for at least 90mins after drinking in order to get an accurate reading, and that if you take a reading too soon you may damage sensor, Surely the whole point is to be able to take a reading shortly after having a few drinks, otherwise what use is the product ?

by Penny Overson on 2018-02-08

Brilliant device and gives an accurate reading, particularly like the amount of time it shows before you can drive . Would definately recommend this product !
Excellent Product

by Mike O on 2018-01-24

Very accurate using the same techology that law enforcement utilise. Worth the extra cost.
Great product! Great Service!

by Graham Clark on 2018-01-15

This is an excellent product giving peace of mind and extremely easy to use.The company have excellent customer service and I cannot recommend them highly enough.
Removes the doubt

by Georgie Porgie on 2018-01-14

Seems a very well put-together piece of kit. It is easy to set up, and very easy to use. I wish I had bought one years ago, as it removes all the doubt.
Brilliant Compact Product

by Hazel on 2017-12-30

Very easy to set up & use. If you want to stay safe on the road and ensure you are not over the limit when you need to drive then you really need to get one of these. The price may seem a bit steep but if it stops you ending up in trouble & keeps you your licence it is well worth it.

by Amazon Customer on 2017-12-19

Great product. Impressed with the accuracy and information. Great service from the vendor.
boy did i make the right decision right from the moment of opening the Package you can tell the quality of this product along with the fact its so simple and easy to use i have to take a leap of ...

by Milan M. on 2017-12-12

Bought this product after reading many other reviews on other similar products and choose it based on reviews written about this particular one although i thought it was a very pricey item i based that against the cost of losing my licence and jumped in........ boy did i make the right decision right from the moment of opening the Package you can tell the quality of this product along with the fact its so simple and easy to use i have to take a leap of faith as far as the accuracy but i can only imagine its bang on the button would definitely recommend it
Five Stars

by kevin kelly on 2017-12-03

Brilliant little device

by Mr Clive Bayliss on 2017-11-22

If you are going to get a personal breathalyser then you need to get one that you can trust. AlcoSense appear to have just about the best product on the market judging by all the reviews that can be found. The fact that they provide a calibration service also adds to your confidence and the cost of this service is reasonable. It is not a cheap product but this is definitely a case of getting what you pay for. I would say that this is a must for anyone who drives the day after a 'good' previous night, that obviously goes double for the festive season.
Just the job.

by JM on 2017-11-03

Very impressive. Only a gentle blow produces very accurate results. One pint of 4% bitter registered at 17 (half the limit), which seems about right. Perfect for the morning after.
Small price to pay to keep your job/driving licence

by John Gogarty on 2017-10-31

Very good product for price. You'll never have to take a chance with a glass of wine with dinner or worry the next day after a 3 or 4 hour session the night before. Alcosense tells you before the police get a chance.
very pleased with my Alcosense

by danpolly on 2017-10-20

very pleased with my Alcosense! So easy to set up and like it's name is Very sensitive. I had one drink with my evening meal.I had an appointment the following lunch time so,brushed my teeth and rinsed with Listerine mouthwash-forgetting it contained Alcohol- blew into the Alcosense to check all was okay-And it came up i was unfit to drive-how sensitive was that!!! Again brushed my teeth and rinsed with water,checked again and i was fine. A really great piece of ingenuity. Would highly recommend it.
A must if you like a tipple to check yourself in the morning

by dragonhify on 2017-10-19

A must if you like a tipple to check yourself in the morning, was in a position to check it against the sl500 and the readings were the same, this is the breath box the police use.

by dragonhify on 2017-10-19

A must if you like a tipple to check yourself in the morning, was in a position to check it against the sl500 and the readings were the same, this is the breath box the police use. The only criticism would be the ribbon cable that connects the two parts of the unit is a weak point in design and ultimately prone to failure having taken a broken unit apart to see what the poem was. May be a redesign for the next model if one is designed.
Five Stars

by simon b. on 2017-09-21

Great product....!
Easy to use

by Jordan Blackwell on 2017-09-20

Sadly can't leave a 'verified purchase' review for the simple reason that I ordered the cheaper Alcosense Excel and was upgraded to the Pro for free as it was out of stock.Easy to use, seems to be pretty accurate and may blow a little high (this is good). Only quibble is the 'sober in' estimates seem to be off. Otherwise, perfect product.
Great product and service - thanks

by Mrs Morena M Gordon on 2017-09-20

Really delighted with product and service including lovely welcome email from MD. Really impressed.
Amazon customer

by SaiKitch on 2017-09-04

Bought this unit to make sure that I was 100% safe the morning after, for driving. Unit is well made and very simple to use. Blow tubes were a bit fiddly to get into the unit connection. Otherwise very easy to set up and use. Would recommend this product.
Very easy to set up

by Dr Ian Ellery on 2017-09-01

Bought as a present for my wife (she did request it!). Very easy to set up, and easy to use. We travel in UK and Europe so the ability to easily set the country is brilliant. Instant reading, and so far seems correct. Reading online reviews the alcosense range are by far best in tests, hence y choice. Added the £10 case which it fits into nicely. Definitely recommend.
Best I've used to date

by A reviewer on 2017-08-25

I cannot genuinely comment on accuracy as I don't have a lab but the ease of use and interface is hands down better than all the cheaper units I've used as well as the older alcosense I owned which gave very little feedback on errors or mis-reads. Don't waste your money on cheap units as the whole point is accuracy and prevention of problems. The blow coach and time to sober are very useful. The calibration reminder is good too but I'm not sure of the price of calibration for this model - hoping it's not too steep.The one thing that did irritate me is the lack of blow tubes in the pack (5 is very stingy considering I've spent 150 quid - 3 times what I did last time), it's just annoying and a way of getting some more cash out of you.
Excellent (British manufactured) product

by Ian M. on 2017-08-23

Excellent (British manufactured) product. Well designed, easy to set up (for UK Scotland levels), easy to use and, if used as directed, appears to be very accurate. Swift delivery. Follow up email from the Alcosense Managing Director outlining their commitment to quality service and support appreciated.
peace of mind

by Amazon Customer on 2017-08-22

Very easy to use and it is reassuring to know that you are clear to drive the morning after
brilliant piece of equipment

by nick on 2017-08-17

brilliant piece of equipment ,have used the cheap ones,and the fifty pound ones ,could not really trust them! so its expensive but worth every penny,clear instructions,clear readings. would definitely recommend.
Great for the morning after decision to drive.

by Cristin Bouchet on 2017-08-09

British made! This really works, not necessary, but fun to use when you are obviously drunk, but VERY useful the next morning.Very accurate. Battery life good, not cheaply made, feels like "quality" great responsible present for the drinking adults in your family.
What an eye-opener

by Kyla Phillips on 2017-07-30

Fantastic.....and quite an eye opener!Occasionally have a drink on a 'school night' as we call it. 99% of the time we feel a ok next morning but have wondered if once or twice we would have been over the limit so got this to be on the safe side. Hubby tried it the next morning before going to work- he felt absolutely sober as a judge......the alsosense told him to wait 7 hours before driving! We were stunned. He rang into work and booked the day off!What scared us was that he felt fine and had driven into work on numerous occasions before.....he is so lucky to not have been pulled over and lose his license.We no longer drink 'on a school night' !!
Great Unit, good for piece of mind

by ANDREW JONES on 2017-07-26

Great Unit, good for piece of mind. I have nothing to compare it to, so will have to trust it!
Good design, easy to use

by Paranomia on 2017-07-17

I delayed my review so I could thoroughly test this breathalyser.Firstly, do not buy cheap breathalysers unless you are just using them for fun, they are worse than not using them at all - the last thing you need is to be lulled into a false sense of security!I had the opportunity to test the Alcosense Pro against other MUCH more expensive evidence equipment and the results were impressive. Within reason, I would trust this unit to give me accurate readings if used correctly - remembering to wait a while after brushing your teeth (oops!) or using mouthwash etc but most things to avoid are common sense.My only gripe is that you have to buy the next model up (at an extra £100) to be able to download the readings to a computer. You can update the software using a supplied USB cable although a required driver is not digitally signed so my computer refuses to install it.Other reviewers have complained that it requires calibration each year but this is not expensive and keeps the thing accurate. I suspect the complainers don't give their cars a service either... ????That said, I am totally satisfied with this breathalyser and would recommend it to anyone. It is a well designed unit, easy to use and solidly made although I thought it prudent to get a carry-case for it. Even better; designed and made in the UK, good to see home grown innovation alive and well. Keep it up people!
AlcoSense Breathalyser

by Amazon Customer on 2017-07-12

Just recently purchased this I have used it several times, and found it very easy to use.Easy to read unlike other ones I have tried.So far very impressed and would recommend.
Pocket sized protection

by Kevin:)) on 2017-07-11

Great pocket analyser. Easy to read and the 'blow coach' aids in the ease of use. The world function makes it ideal for travellers to choose location, always ready and the memory and 'time till sober/alarm' allows you to plan ahead.
Five Stars

by A. MCEWAN on 2017-06-26

Very good. Easy to use, gives a very clear readout.
Everyone who enjoys a tipple should own one!

by Susan Watkins on 2017-06-24

Well worth every penny! I purchased this for my son and he's very pleased with it and has recommended it to his friends.
Five Stars

by KM on 2017-06-17

Excellent product, easy to use and set up.I would highly recommend.
A must have for the morning after

by Amazon Customer on 2017-06-13

Bought this as I could no longer trust my ‘Costco’ issue unit.Quality build, easy to understand instructions and the strength of breath indicator is brilliant.Compared with the ‘Costco’ breathalyser after a measured number of alcohol units and potentially I could have lost my license
Excellent breathalyser with additional features not found on the Elite ...

by Alexander G. on 2017-05-31

Excellent breathalyser with additional features not found on the Elite version which I already have, the 12month calibration period is good and a reminder to calibrate is built in. Great device for use the day after having a drink for peace of mind. (I don't drink and drive)
Like any caring husband I would not want her to ...

by Phil S on 2017-05-28

I bought this so I could check on my wife since she has a habit of binge drinking at home. Like any caring husband I would not want her to become an alcoholic but after 4 years the habit is getting hard to break! There have been ultimatums and of course she is always in self denial about drinking even after I search the house and find the hidden empty & full bottles. Now that she knows I can check her alcohol level I have not had to use the AlcoSense Pro because I have not found her comatose or in a drunken stupor since. I think this breathalyser has saved our marriage! Works as I had hoped, thanks.
Great product British to nice to see

by Derek P. on 2017-05-21

Great product British to nice to see !! Easy to set up and use to .Thank you.
Simple, quick and accurate.

by Amazon Customer on 2017-05-20

Very quick and easy to get a reading. Very accurate readings given. Perfect for the morning after check before driving.
AlcoSense Pro Fuel Cell Breathalyser. *****

by bribagz on 2017-05-19

This is a quality item, very easy to use, and reassuring customer service. I have no hesitation in recommending this product.
An excellent device. It's expensive but you get what you ...

by Amazon Customer on 2017-05-17

An excellent device. It's expensive but you get what you pay for. If there was ever a case for paying a bit more to ensure that a product is of high quality and is reliable and accurate in use then a breathalyser surely falls into that category.. The 'breath-strength meter' makes the device very easy to use.
Great British Product

by Patrick on 2017-05-16

Very impressive English made product. Ease of use is incredible, and it stores previous results by date and time. This is essential in my opinion as I am undergoing problems with an employee with an alcohol problem. I have created a form to match time and date on the alcosense pro, which; the employee signs as their record. Its helping both me and the employee with the alcohol problem. Great product. Support too.

by KP on 2017-04-11

I've used my pro about 15 times, it has always given a reading of 0, apart from once. This makes me slightly dubious of it's accuracy.
AlcoSense Says: Thanks for letting us know your concerns. We operate strict testing on every unit before it leaves us to ensure the highest levels of accuracy, however sometimes things can fail in the marketplace. Please give us a call on 0800 195 0088 to go through some diagnostics on the phone and possibly send the unit to us for accuracy testing. If there is an issue we will replace it for you straight away. Thanks in advance.
Quick and easy to use

by Alan Seymour on 2017-03-28

Very accurate and consistent readings. Quick and easy to use. Well worth the price.
Five Stars

by anna on 2017-03-22

FANTASTIC product, thanks
Five Stars

by Mr Bee on 2017-03-17

High quality product and well worth its price tag.
Great product and really easy to use

by Nick on 2017-03-13

Great product and really easy to use. The best is when we get to the office in the morning and see who can get the highest score.
High quality and accurate

by Richard Hill on 2017-03-12

I bought this unit after much deliberation and research, as I want a unit I can actually trust and it seems the way to achieve genuinely accurate readings is a calibrated fuel cell sensor and a metered sample. Years ago, I tried a cheap no-brand unit based on semiconductor technology that told me I was under the limit despite clearly being in a state where I wouldn’t trust myself with anything more dangerous than a butter knife…Anyway, this unit offers a decent sized fuel-cell sensor, the ability to vary the limit for different jurisdictions and an annual (at a reasonable cost) calibration service. This unit meters the sample size as well as providing a really handy bar type indicator for blow rate. So, this all looked like something that I could take as being accurate. The tests I found on the Internet all backed this line of thought up.In use, this device is really simple to operate, slide open and wait for the countdown of a few seconds to warm up, inset blow-tube and go for it, watching the 2 graphs of blow rate and sample size. When done, the unit beeps and makes a click (I assume the inlet blocking to prevent too large a sample) and you read the results in your chosen units against a simple traffic light background. It also gives a time to zero estimate that turned out to be pretty much on the money for me.Whist I don’t have any way of benchmarking the results, they remain consistent when testing more than once and the numbers decline steadily over time as your metabolise the alcohol in your system. So, all seems to be good. Apparently the unit is designed to over-read slightly as there is always a +/- margin of error, so the displayed value is slid upward to ensure no under-reads.In summary, I am pleased with the purchase as it delivers on the promise of accuracy and despite not being the cheapest, it is actually good value when viewed in the context of a lost licence and the impact on your life / livelihood. Being honest, I would only ever buy from a reputable British company like AlcoSense as you get a quality product which has been developed responsibly and with backup service. If you go for a cheap alternative, then I would say you’re putting yourself at risk - trusting something unreliable and so potentially misleading puts you in a worse position overall.I would also say that this type of device should be used in conjunction with a healthy dose of common sense. If I don’t feel up to it, I don’t drive at all. This needs to be reading green AND the driver feeling good. For me, it’s a morning-after double-check and emphatically not a tool to take it to the limit before getting in the car.
Great Product

by Jason Mitchell-Divers on 2017-03-04

Great product - does what it says - British Manufactured as well - buy one support our industries.....
Five Stars

by David on 2017-02-21

Very good product reliable and accurate and worth the money. Very helpful support offered if have any problems.
Five Stars

by I C. on 2017-02-21

Excellent very easy to use
Five Stars

by Richard E Appleton on 2017-02-16

Excellent. Easy to use. Read the book first and do not proceed until you have set today's date!
... upgraded to this model free of charge - very happy with the customer service

by Julian on 2017-02-09

I originally purchased the next model down but this was not in stock and it was upgraded to this model free of charge - very happy with the customer service.Product also great and easy to use.
Great product.

by Amazon Customer on 2017-02-08

This is a quality product in which feel confident to use. I have it for a couple of weeks now. Already it has indicated that I was over the Iimit one morning after a few drinks. Without the test I would no have known. It may seem a little expensive, but compared to the costs of driving over the limit (both financial and otherwise) it is, definitely, worth the expenditure. Although I never drink and drive on the same day, I was surprised how long the alcohol stays in the system. The supplier emailed me yesterday asking if I had any questions about it. As I am not in the UK I enquiried about recalibration after 12 months. A satisfactory response was received within 24 hours. Buy the carry case as well. Great product, highly recommended.
Great product.

by Alo on 2017-02-08

This is a quality product in which feel confident to use. I have it for a couple of weeks now. Already it has indicated that I was over the Iimit one morning after a few drinks. Without the test I would no have known. It may seem a little expensive, but compared to the costs of driving over the limit (both financial and otherwise) it is, definitely, worth the expenditure. Although I never drink and drive on the same day, I was surprised how long the alcohol stays in the system. The supplier emailed me yesterday asking if I had any questions about it. As I am not in the UK I enquiried about recalibration after 12 months. A satisfactory response was received within 24 hours. Buy the carry case as well. Great product, highly recommended.
This is the perfect personal breathalyser!

by CEN on 2017-02-07

This is the perfect personal breathalyser. It's well built, very easy to use, provides consistent readings and easy to read. I had an Alcosense Elite, but decided to upgrade to the Pro. I'm very glad I did. I couldn't be happier. Don;t even think about buying a foreign (e.g. Chinese or Korean) imitation when you can get something this good that's made in the UK. And their customer service is awesome. I have had no problems, but the MD reached out to me with a personal email to make sure I was as happy as possible. Great product; great company!
It's very small and easy to use

by A M Booth on 2017-02-07

I ordered the elite and got a free upgrade to the pro - thank you! It's very small and easy to use. Fuel cell technology which is similar to that used by the police so should be very accurate. It has a very clear screen, a predicted time to sober built in and memory to be able to store reading. Fantastic product.
Professional breathalyser

by Dazza nautilus on 2017-02-07

Professional breathalyser, this is all you need it's worth every penny. This is quality it's so compact and easy to use. Just need to make sure you read the instructions as it's very sensitive and you can damage it not waiting at least 10 minutes after drinking alcohol. The only draw back is you have to pay £25 a year to have recalibrated for accuracy.
Excellent bit of Kit

by Watts on 2017-01-28

Excellent piece of kit, very easy to use. Alarmingly accurate. Highly recommended.
Quality breathalyser.....great peace of mind

by Amazon Customer on 2017-01-28

I bought this product for myself and was so impressed that I have given one to each of my adult sons.It is compact and easy to use as it guides you as to how to blow to obtain an accurate reading. You are also advised as to how long it will be until it is safe to drive. An added advantage is that it adapts to the country you are in by adjusting to their legal limit. Allied to being aware of the units consumed I have found this gives me peace of mind the morning after. After sales service is pleasant and efficient. I would recommend this product.
Excellent product.

by Wil Smiles on 2017-01-24

Very simple to use unit. I have used cheaper units in the past. This is quality. Gives a very accuracy reading. No annoying loud beeps . While a little more pricey I feel my driving licence security is well worth the investment.
Five Stars

by james kennedy on 2017-01-23

very good and clear product
Great product

by Stevie on 2017-01-23

Very simple to use. Very accurate. Very easy to follow instructions and explanations. I had 3 pints lager in 3 hrs and then waited 30 mins before testing as instructed. So 3 1/2 hrs passed altogether. My reading was .13 whereas the limit in ireland is .22 so i would legally still have been safe to drive! Tested it again the following night after four glasses of 125ml wine & three 330ml btls of lager over 4 hrs and i was over the limit at .28, dont take a gamble with your license, great product, wish i'd got one sooner.
A good product .

by Duncan MacRae on 2017-01-17

Used this item several times over the festive period and found it to be very accurate.
Five Stars

by Fitzy on 2017-01-16

Brilliant piece of equipment. The whole family use this and it certainly puts your mind at rest
Very well designed

by Mr. David O'higgins on 2017-01-12

I bought this after reading a review in a motoring magazine. I already had the Alcosense Elite model and was very happy with it, but this new Pro model is something else entirely! It has obviously been incredibly well designed and can cater for almost any eventuality, while remaining very easy to use. I use it purely as a 'morning after' checker and I highly recommend it.
... have to wait till sober or under the limit easy to use arrived very quick this is my 3rd ...

by Mr. Michael Tocher on 2017-01-10

Have used this 12 times and very impressed blew into machine with 4 pints of lager and gave a very accurate reading not only that it tells how long you have to wait till sober or under the limit easy to use arrived very quick this is my 3rd machine over 7 years and definitely the best I have owned highly recommend this product if your like me that relys on licence this is the one for you
Excellent piece of kit

by Amazon Customer on 2017-01-10

Excellent piece of kit, worth paying the extra for the piece of mind. Easy to set up and easy to use. Would recommend this product. As i need to be sure I'm safe to drive for the next morning.

by Veitchy on 2017-01-10

I previously had an Elite version but this beats it hands down.
Simple and easy to use

by Mrs Elizabeth Copland on 2017-01-10

Simple and easy to use, and seems to be accurate. Useful in the respect that you can set it to the different readings in various countries. It replaces two previous Alcosense models we have previously owned.
Four Stars

by David on 2017-01-10

Very good kit
A must buy

by J. Donnachie on 2017-01-10

This product appears to be first class. So easy to setup and easy to follow instructions. Would certainly recommend
Peace of mind in your pocket.

by IanESJ on 2017-01-10

My partner recently got stopped by the police whilst driving the day after having some drinks with friends. She was asked if she had had drinks the night before she was happy to say she had, but that 12 or so hours had passed.She passed the breath test, but the policeman noted that there was some alcohol still in her system. She was profoundly upset, although she knew that people CAN have alcohol in their system the next day, she assumed that was heavy drinkers.We immediately researched and purchased what we believe to be the absolute best brand of home breathalyser, the Alcosense. We chose the Elite, but received the next model, the Pro which has a larger sensor and is more accurate.There is absolutely no excuse for drink driving, and with this you can know with confidence that you are beyond reproach in terms of Alcohol.
Feels very soild and really like the blow display that was lacking on cheeper unist ...

by jason on 2017-01-05

Feels very soild and really like the blow display that was lacking on cheeper unist so you know your doing it right. Would recomed unit.
very handy for morning after, I wished ihad it ...

by justin hooper on 2017-01-01

very handy for morning after,I wished ihad it two years ago when i lost my licens .I thought i was ok in the morning.
Easy to use and above all accurate

by Mr D. on 2016-12-30

Easy to use and above all accurate. One can set the limit to whatever one choses and as I work in an industry with zero tolerance to alcohol, it's reassuring to know that one is clear first thing in the morning. I often start work at 05:00 and I anm very likely to be breatherlyzed at the gate on the way in. A number of colleagues have lost their jobs due to this, Now if I still have alcohol in my system at 05:00, I can be a little late with few reprocussions.
Job saver, or maybe even Life saver.

by Amazon Customer on 2016-12-29

I ordered one of these after having one to many at the works Christmas party. I still felt drunk the next day so didn't want to get in my car and spent the whole day walking everywhere. According to the specs it never under reads, so if this tells you your OK to drive then you're OK. I believe the accuracy of the fuel cell is worth paying the extra for over some of the cheaper models.One of my colleagues also had a go on it after a heavy Christmas session and realised he wasn't fit to drive and ended up waiting around work until he was clear. The time to sober estimation is very useful and it's very clear to use with its red / amber / green screen on the results.Im more than happy with this product and wouldnt hesitate to recommend it, especially for people who like a decent drink. I know people that have lost their licence and livelihood by being unfit to drive the next day. Well worth investing.
Excellent product

by Les Goodchild on 2016-12-29

Very easy to set up and very easy to use. Obviously I have no way of checking accuracy but so far, readings appear to be commensurate with alcohol intake.The model I ordered was out of stock and therefore Alcosense upgraded to the Pro at no extra cost. Superb customer service thank you.
Great Product

by Bonko on 2016-12-29

was upgraded from excel to pro and seems really good , the blow assist is very useful helping achieve the correct blow pressure . All in all seems really well made and great device to check your ok for driving If you have been out etc. A small case would be a great addition for carrying it and a blow tube if you need to.
Great product, compact and easy to use. the reassurance you get is worht every penny

by John Vinson on 2016-12-29

superb, easy to use, can use in multiple countries and set different levels. Gives reassurance the morning after, when you feel fine but can you be sure you are absolutely sober?
Good kit

by Kenny on 2016-12-29

Good price of kit. Ideal for 'morning after'. Easy to use and worth the cost.

by Amazon Customer on 2016-12-29

First class product from a first class company!
Five Stars

by MrC on 2016-12-29

Amazing piece of kit. Easy to use, fast response and with really aimpme and clear results. Impressed!
err on the side of caution which is a good thing. Being the festive season I checked myself ...

by Geordie on 2016-12-29

Firstly, the appliance is very well constructed, it feels robust and looks fit for the purpose. The instructions are comprehensive and it has worked faultlessly on the dozen or so times that I've used it and I can honestly say that, when it tells me that I'm OK to drive, I believe it ! But it's one of those pieces of kit that can't be personally checked for accuracy. It does, I believe from the instructions, err on the side of caution which is a good thing. Being the festive season I checked myself at 10.40 am on Boxing Day and it told me that I'd be sober in 3hrs and 40mins. (a great evening was had by all), I checked again two hours later when the reading gave me the 'thumbs up'. Ultimately, the proof of the pudding is in the hands of the ladies and gentlemen who might ask you to, 'Blow into this tube'.
A worthwhile investment

by Steven Robinson on 2016-12-29

This was recommended by a trusted friend and it is perfect for the morning after the night before! It just removes uncertainty!!
You can really trust this unit.

by Amazon Customer on 2016-12-27

I bought the AlcoSense Pro to replace a cheaper breathalyser that I didn’t trust. It is British designed and complies with British and EU standard, BS-EN16280. It is very accurate and easy to use.
This is an excellent product which can let you know if you have ...

by LM on 2016-12-17

This is an excellent product which can let you know if you have any alcohol in your system and how long it will be before you are alcohol free.
Great piece of kit.

by Stoff51 on 2016-12-16

I recently upgraded to this model and it is a great bit of kit. The blow meter makes it easy to get the perfect pressure and gives good readings.I had to contact AlcoSense with a small problem with the machine and the customer service was simply exceptional. What a great company to deal with.
Perfect for job and good value.

by Amazon Customer on 2016-12-15

I wanted something I could absolutely trust nd the ease and accuracy and verifiable nature of the Pro is just perfect. Excellent product and great value when you consider the alternative!
Peace of mind !

by Ftype on 2016-12-14

Confident that I am safe to drive to the Station @ 6.00 AM after checking each morning. Great buy
Five Stars

by Amazon Customer on 2016-12-14

Exactly as described and very easy to use. Exceptional quality.
Five Stars

by Andrew Rolfe on 2016-12-14

Really easy to use. Anyone who can't use it is clearly too drunk to drive
Well worth the extra money

by mark on 2016-12-14

Absolutely brilliant product do NOT trust low cost alternatives!!!
Perfect product

by Legal driver on 2016-11-30

Infinite improvement on the previous version - the elite. It does everything that is needed to stay legal. Also very easy to use.

by rich on 2016-11-30

not noticed any problems so far
Ace device

by Gardener on 2016-11-29

A top quality product. I love the clear displays and the simplicity of use. Streets ahead of the Elite which was my last device.
a piece of equipment to ensure I remain legal in whatever country I drive in

by A driver on 2016-11-29

A usable piece of equipment that satisfies my need to remain legal in any country that I drive in , the ability to recalibrate to ensure accuracy is a great piece of mind for me
As a Scottish user I like that the Scottish limit can be highlighted

by Amazon Customer on 2016-11-28

As a Scottish user I like that the Scottish limit can be highlighted.I will not drive now after a night out without breath testing myself.Excellent product
You would be mad not to buy this

by Tony on 2016-11-28

Hi had an earlier AL700 version and decided to upgrade to the Pro following a good review in AutoExpress. I have to say what an improvement this is. It has much better functions and usability and it is easy to use to determine if you're close to the limit. As a professional driver I wouldn't be without this breathalyser, for the morning after obviously. Highly recommended product and worth every penny.
Alcosense Pro

by BW_UK on 2016-11-22

Good delivery on time from stock of full order (Pro, case, spares). Very straightforward setup and easy to use.

Good service!
spot on product

by alan1100 on 2016-11-19

very pleased with the new pro model absolutely spot on .if you drive for a living and enjoy a drink it a lot cheaper than losing your licence.
Don't hesitate, buy one!

by Robert. on 2016-11-14

Instead of sending my Elite,(used happily for a couple of years) for re - calibration. I decided to buy the Pro.
A vast improvement in ease of use.
Happy to hear there is an update for battery life, mine are near replacement, although I use mine daily, often several times,and still on supplied set two months later.
Yes, the blow tubes are a little loose, and it is very in you face when using it, these are very minor niggles that I can live with.
I am happy to own one and would not be without it as I drink a lot and drive.
It is good to know that I am below the limit to do so.
Hard to imagine that this product could be bettered

by ?? Could be 'Alcosensible'.... on 2016-11-08

A big advance on my previous AlcoSense, less 'ffiddely' with no straws, more robust construction,,more compact,more versatile with quick access to legal limits in other countries. would suggest that carrying case raises the portability to another plane
Better & More Reliable than the Elite

by Jinty on 2016-11-08

Good product and great to read that the next software release will improve the battery life.
No driver should be without this product

by Joseph Ferri on 2016-11-05

Brilliant product that no driver should be without. It takes the uncertainty out of driving the morning after. Worth every penny I highly recommend this product.
Excellent product a big advance over earlier models

by Amazon Customer on 2016-11-03

Excellent product a big advance over earlier models, the bar graph display of how hard you are blowing makes it extremely easy to do the test accurately first time. In addition you do not have to blow for very long compared to other models.After a few drinks I tested it against a French approved chemical breathalyser and it was spot on which gives one great confidence in its use the morning after a night out before driving the car.

by TRUNKY on 2016-10-28


AlcoSense says: Hi Trunk, thanks for your feedback. Just to let you know we do a longer version of the mouthpiece, if you check the shop page on our site look for the blow tubes and you'll find it there. Also, we are about to release a software update which extends the battery life by 50%, check the support section in a couple of weeks (November 2016) and you'll be able to update your unit with the latest version.

by Bobby on 2016-10-28

I'm very happy with my Pro and the service and help from the alcosense team. The Pro gives me peace of mind!! It's easy to forget how many units you've had the night before, but the Pro 'as stated earlier gives you peace of mind'
gives one the confidence the next day to decide when to drive
Superb, highly recommend.

by Colin P on 2016-10-27

Superb product, a big leap from the Elite. Sturdy made, easy to use. Great customer support.
Great Peace of Mind

by Njb on 2016-10-27

Compact clear and easy to use
Delighted with it.
Imagine the cost of losing your licence!!!

by Gaz on 2016-10-27

Originally had Elite, which was great. Unfortunately at first service, sensors failed and was offered a discounted PRO. Jumped at it.
PRO is brilliant. Tells when OTL and how long til under the limit (safe to drive) And and how long til100% sober
A marvellous product

by ---- on 2016-10-27

Much better than the Elite. A much improved product.
A small snag is that care has to be taken in fitting the breathing tube, otherwise it falls out!
Puzzled by the USB 2 cable supplied. What is it for?

AlcoSense Says: The USB cable is supplied for software updates which can be done by the user. If you check the support section of the website you will be able to download and install new and improved firmware when available. The blow tubes should have a snug fitment, if not please call us on 0800 195 0088 and we'll sort that for you.

by God knows on 2016-10-27

Far more accurate than my previous breathalyser
Very good product

by Joby on 2016-10-27

Very good product, service and value for money. Just struggled a bit to work out how to attach the mouthpiece
Very good

by Gus on 2016-10-27

Very pleased with product.
Great piece of kit every driver (who may drink alcohol) should carry one.

by Ron on 2016-10-27

Well constructed and much better than previous elite version being able to chose area you are using in. Time before able to drive a big bonus.
Excellent product

by KAZ, Fife on 2016-10-27

Excellent piece of equipment. Well made and very easy to use - sets up quickly too. Once you've mastered the breathing it works great, and its good that it tells you that you're not doing it right! Good value for money and well worth it!
An excellent product.

by Peter on 2016-10-27

Bought this to replace my Lite which I have had for a few years. It is easy to use and the green bar that tells you if you are breathing at the right rate is very useful and clear to see, even if slightly blurred with my eyesight, as the bar is so close when breathing.. It is an excellent product, I would not be without it. The customer service is excellent as well.
Good product

by Nicky on 2016-10-27

Bought this product to use with clients who wanted to prove their alcohol reduction. Can be tricky getting the breathing right but a great product.
Consistent results and extremely easy to use

by Graeme O. on 2016-10-18

Expensive, but seemingly very accurate. Consistent results and extremely easy to use. Removes those 'morning after' doubts. For the price, would have been nice if they bundled it with a free carry case!
So Worth It

by Martin Greenhough on 2016-09-13

Bought the pro to replace my elite and have found it far better than expected. Easier to use and reads better. Tested along with the elite and both worked great. Which ever you chose you will not be disappointed whatever your budget.
Great number 1

by Ian on 2016-09-13

This is the best one I've used it even tells you when you can drive again
Five Stars

by Dr David O'Neill on 2016-08-23

Easy to use and very accurate.
like me, getting on a bit

by ron coles on 2016-08-10

I have had an AlcoSense for many years and found it first class. As it was, like me, getting on a bit, and would soon need re-calibrating I decided to buy the latest. Superb! Only annoying thing is that it is more 'bulky' than my old one and I now have to find a suitable case!
Quick dispatch and arrival and the breathayser itself is solid and easy to

by baboo on 2016-08-09

After a fair bit of research this seemed to be the only affordable safe bet as far as accuracy goes. Quick dispatch and arrival and the breathayser itself is solid and easy to use

by Anthony Knight on 2016-08-02

Would not be without one.
'Pro' is brilliant

by Garry Allan on 2016-08-02

Great for the morning after. If over the limit, it tells you when you will be OK. E.G. sober in 1 hiour 10 minutes. Brilliant. No taking chances now.
Very impressed.

by Kevin on 2016-07-25

I cannot comment on the accuracy of this product, but purchased based on the very favourable endorsements associated with it. However, I have to say that the build quality and functionality are excellent. Also, the after sales service is very good. The package included a usb cable which puzzled me as there was no reference in the manual as to what it is for, so I emailed asking if it was for future firmware updates or perhaps to communicate with a Windows 10 app (for example) that is not yet available. Got a very prompt reply to let me know it was.
Excellent product

by GGRUK on 2016-07-25

Bought this product recently. Have used it so far only a few times, mainly to check if it gives accurate readings after I have had one drink. It seems to do so. Am very happy with the product. It is high quality. I did make a bold decision to spend £ 150 for it rather than buying cheaper products that may not give accurate results. Would suggest to prospective buyers to consider this product seriously. You money would be spent well. Also the fact that this is designed and manufactured in the UK should give you peace of mind and assurance of high quality.
Excellent product

by R on 2016-07-12

Bought to replace an older model of Alcosence. Very impressed with the updates, much easier to use and very accurate. I have measured readings from known amounts of alcohol and the results are correct every time. Really like the new function estimating remaining time to be 100% clear.
Great product

by peter on 2016-06-28

I bought this recently having previously owned a cheap alcohol tester that gave out very spurious readings that I didn't have a lot of confidence in. The alcosense pro fuel cell breathalyser is in a different league though. Easy to use, much better build quality etc. I recommend this product to anyone who likes a drink but doesn't want to lose their license or job because they were over the limit.
A must have for any driver..

by Andy B. on 2016-06-19

Great bit of kit, a must for anyone who relies on their license for their livelihood and/or lifestyle.. For the money I'd expect to get a case thrown in, though that won't affect the rating as this could literally stop me losing my job/house etc.. Simple to use and easy to comprehend the output with clear messages about your blood alcohol level, time till sober and even color coded backlighting in case the blurred vision doesn't give it away that you ought to wait until you can see properly before you think about driving ;)
Five Stars

by N. Lindsay on 2016-06-17

Good piece of kit. Very well made, easy to use.
Fantastic best unit i have used

by Alan Pert on 2016-05-31

At first i found it hard to believe the accuracy of the Pro, So i purchased two disposable breathylysers an compared them to the pro they matched perfectly.
This unit outclasses any previous unit i have used
Alan P
Easiest to use

by David Reid on 2016-05-26

Thought the elite was good, but this is easier than ever and gives me even more confident.Costs more but is worth it.David
Very good product

by David Millar on 2016-05-26

Very good product, and a very responsive after sales service. a must have product if you want to ensure that you are safe to drive after a boozy night out.
Five Stars

by james duncan on 2016-05-19

very pleased with the product,extremely easy to use.Well worth the money,far better than the older models
Neat piece of kit, and does the job ....I hope

by Amazon Customer on 2016-05-19

Having received this product, I'm more than happy with it. It's compact, easy to use, and accurate...... I hope !I did a fair bit of research on this product before purchasing, and was impressed by the reviews and results of accuracy which were provided.I purchased this piece of kit to provide piece of mind after a night out, and having to drive the next day, now that the limit is lower in Scotland.It is a British product, having to comply to bs standards, so I have more confidence in it than I would in a product from China or the Far East.But I can't tell you how accurate it is because I don't know. The only way I could tell you that is if I was in a police car, comparing readings.There lies the problem. If it is accurate, which I think and hope it is, it's a great product, but it does require a certain leap of faith.
Pretty Good.

by johnS on 2016-05-18

Appears to be quite accurate, and a solid piece of kit. Does exactly what it says, with useful features like the "sober in ... " function. Easy set up for legal limits (including Scotland - 5 stars for that!), and easy change of the units of measurement. May not be the lowest priced fuel cell device, but also not the most expensive, so good value for what it is. Easy to contact this British company (I had a small query), with a knowledgeable person answering the phone.
so easy to use

by s reynolds on 2016-05-04

Huge improvement on previous models, so easy to use, its second nature now for the whole family to check they they are ok to drive if they have drunk the night before
The Only Sensible Breathalyser To Buy

by Stu on 2016-05-03

I spent a while researching the various models of personal breathalyser on the market but after reading a product review in What Car where this model came out top in testing etc. the Alcosense Pro was the only choice. It arrived quickly and I was very impressed with the design and ease of use. This is one of those purchases that you cannot afford to get wrong and the proven accuracy of this model made this an easy choice over other cheaper but less credible models available on Amazon.
Pleased with unit. Does what it's supposed.

by Dave. on 2016-05-02

First breathalyser I have bought and decided on the alcosense pro because of how it was reviewed by a couple of car mags and reading the companies litriture
I cannot comment on accuracy but it gives a constant reading of about what I Would expect
Good product and EXCELLENT customer service

by Pete B on 2016-04-29

I accepted a cheap upgrade to the PRO after the Elite began giving spurious readings while under warranty, I was somewhat concerned as the readings obtained from the PRO were lower than those previously obtained from the Elite. I returned the PRO for testing and it was shown to be completely accurate and was returned with a 2 page e mail not only giving the results but explaining what tests were carried out. As per another reviewer I was also surprised at how much I could drink (4 pints of 4% beer) and still be under the limit but certainly wouldn't trust myself to drive after drinking anything like that amount even if the test did show negative. I would finish by saying I consider the customer service from this company is excellent.
Would recommend to others

by HR Manager on 2016-04-28

Very happy with the unit. The only small disappointment is the tubes need holding firmly in place and that is difficult to do and see the screen at the same time.

AlcoSense Says: You shouldn't need to hold the tubes in place. If you are using the mouthpieces (as opposed to blow tubes) they should sit in snugly but not fall out. The blow tubes push over the centre hole and fit very snugly. Please call us on 0800 195 0088 if you continue to have any problems.
Well worth the money

by C Dog on 2016-04-28

Well worth paying that bit extra to be absolutely confident in the results. As I live in Scotland, but travel around the UK and europe for work, it is important to be able to change the settings easily for each country I visit. Highly recommended.
quality built in at a useful price.

by Lynarc on 2016-04-26

This feels like and works as a quality product. It is used daily just to confirm we are within the tough Scottish limits. There have been no faults or glitches with it. Its readout is unambiguous and the estimated time till sobriety is a useful guide.
Great Product

by Guy on 2016-04-26

Very Useful for the morning after and makes sure you are within the limit after a boozy night out
Impressive product

by Big B on 2016-04-26

First class product, easy to use straight from the box. Use it as a safeguard for the morning after.
Very good machine

by H on 2016-04-26

the pro is an excellent machine, very easy to use much better than the elite should have upgraded long before I did.
Far superior to the Elite

by Stan on 2016-04-26

I don't think either of my 2 previous Elite's (1 for Scotland) held my confidence for any length of time due to the hit and miss nature of taking a test and some very eratic test results (I always thought a recalibration would be a waste of money). I bought this model in the hope of a vast improvement in ease of use and accuracy and wasn't disappointed. I was initially troubled by the Pro telling me I'm fine to drive but my Elite reporting otherwise but AlcoSense advised me to trust the Pro and have the Elite re-calibrated (which I now intend to do when the Pro is due its service). I await with interest to see how it performs in the coming months.

AlcoSense says: Thanks for the kind review on the Pro. The Elite is a little more fiddly to get the blow pressure right on than the Pro, which makes the Pro a lot easier to use. Also we put a larger increase in reading on the Elite to take into account it's greater margin of error which means the Elite will usually read a bit higher than the Pro, which has a very tight tolerance.
Excellent expensive initially to purchase but would recommend it.

by Honey on 2016-04-25

I have had a different model and had constant errors while using it. This model is superb it guides you to the rate of breath required. I love it. I usually know myself I am OK to drive this is quick reliable and backs up my own thoughts.
Best yet

by Big Al on 2016-04-25

Upgraded from the Elite as I wasn't sure how accurate it was after 5 years. The Pro is quick to set up and the blow coach helps to get a good accurate reading. The Elite often displayed an error and you had to re-test but I have never had an error with the Pro. Have used the Pro in Scotland and England and it is very easy to change the settings.
While the Pro is more expensive than the Elite it can be used straight out the box and I am more confident in the results. I should have upgraded months ago.
Quality product

by Sunnyday on 2016-04-25

Excellent product. Easy to use and build quality good. Useful feature is that you change the limit.
Excellent breathalyzer !!!!

by Rob on 2016-04-25

This is a marvellous piece of kit!! Easy to use and stylish to look at. I would definitely recommend it. I have always used the ELITE up to now but the PRO is a vast improvement. Thanks ALCOSENSE.
Five Stars

by Roggendorff on 2016-04-20

love it

by chris duffill on 2016-04-06

This is the best one I have bought and used, a bit more cost , but you get what you pay for....
Excellent model and not a bad price. Would recommend.

by L B. on 2016-04-04

Very pleased with purchase. Excellent quality and you can change the units to breath to match the police readings also the easy blow system makes it a doddle to use. When testing I was surprised by how much you could drink before reaching the legal limit. I certainly wouldn't be driving after that much. The main reason for purchase was for the next day after the occasional heavy night out especially when away on the motorbike. You shouldn't be under the influence of anything when riding and the AlcoSense can help as most importantly it gives a clear time to sober. Ideal for professional drivers who regardless of limits should not be consuming any alcohol. Hence the term professional. I would recommend this model.
Five Stars

by Mr S. on 2016-03-30

great fun seeing how high a reading you can get!
AlcoSense Pro - Superb

by Mr Thomas Dick on 2016-03-14

I upgraded from the Alcosense Elite which was great. I had the Elite for about 4 years. The Pro is even better. Easier to use, better alcohol sensor and a lot easier to provide a breath sample. At the price it is a considered purchase but in my view well worth the money. Very happy with unit and customer service. No hesitation in recommending both.
Does a good job

by Michael C. on 2016-03-09

I bought this alcohol tester last week and found it easy to use. I compared it to my old testing machine and am much more confident in the accuracy of this breathalyser. It is relatively expensive but I think that it is worth it.
Great piece of kit

by Shrubgarden on 2016-03-02

Great piece of kit. I use it to make sure I am safe to drive the following morning. It works, quick and easy to use. Fast delivery and nice follow up.
Great quality breathalyser.

by Amazon Customer on 2016-02-26

Having been a user of other AlcoSense products this is best I've used so far. The breath indicator ensures a more consistent measurement, something I've had problems with whilst using other vendors equipment.It is not a low cost product but has high build quality and the investment is worthwhile if you are looking for an accurate reading.
Nice unit, big improvement on earlier models

by Amazon Customer on 2016-02-11

I have owned two previous models of Alcosense devices, the last being the Elite.With previous models I found that getting the blow rate just right was quite difficult and the units gave errors and you had to test again. The Alcosense Pro is a doddle to use in comparison, there is a green bar indicating blow pressure and it was easy to get a reading every time.I was a little concerned that the unit consistently measured zero the next day as previous units showed low or 0.20 so I tested it at home after a couple of beers and waited the appropriate time. The unit measured 0.35 which showed the unit was working correctly.Great unit overall and nice you can change countries and set a custom level
Nice unit, big improvement on earlier models

by Paul Town on 2016-02-11

I have owned two previous models of Alcosense devices, the last being the Elite.With previous models I found that getting the blow rate just right was quite difficult and the units gave errors and you had to test again. The Alcosense Pro is a doddle to use in comparison, there is a green bar indicating blow pressure and it was easy to get a reading every time.I was a little concerned that the unit consistently measured zero the next day as previous units showed low or 0.20 so I tested it at home after a couple of beers and waited the appropriate time. The unit measured 0.35 which showed the unit was working correctly.Great unit overall and nice you can change countries and set a custom level
very useful device

by lesley on 2016-02-08

Very Nice unit, very comprehensive. Good value. Complies with BS-EN16280.

by Billinski on 2016-02-08

Firstly let me explain that I am in no way connected to AlcoSense and have not received any “reward” for providing this review, it is a genuine unbiased and truthful review.

I have updated this review after now having used the AlcoSense for a while now, and after having received the most helpful clarifications from the AlcoSense Laboratory. My previous “Cons” (“Zero Reading” and see below for explanation) was unfounded as what I perceived as a limitation was in fact a result of complying with BS-EN16280 which has now also been taken as a European wide standard.

- Very useful in that it covers many countries automatically setting limit according to that country.
- Uses similar fuel cell technology as the UK police, so is comparable with theirs with regards to accuracy. See the Top Gear YouTube video as evidence of this.
- Nice Display that predicts you what time you will be below limit.
- Remarkably easy to use.
- The tubes re-usable. This is not made clear in the description so I've wasted money on buying two packs of 25 tubes - silly me.

Wait at least 30 minutes between last alcohol intake and use, as described the sensor is sensitive and can be damaged by too high an alcohol concentration.

Cons: None whatsoever. It would have been nice if the unit was “French NF” compliant, though since 2014 the French authorities have scrapped the fine for not carrying an NF certified breathalyser for an indefinite period. So no great shakes!

Zero Readings:
Do be aware, and it is stated in the instructions, the unit will not display a reading other than zero below 0.10‰BAC (0.05mg/L) because that AlcoSense have designed the unit to comply with the new British Standard (BSI) for breathalysers, BS-EN16280. The standard is actually technically a very high standard and mandates a very high level of accuracy from the product, however one quirk of this standard dictates that an reading below 0.10‰BAC (0.05mg/L) must be rounded down to ZERO and AlcoSense cannot display any other message – for example on the Elite it displays “LOW”. As this is a standard unfortunately AlcoSense cannot pick and choose which parts to comply with.

Other notes provided to me by AlcoSense:
“With regard to giving you an estimate of what alcohol consumption will show what reading on a breathalyser the following is a rule of thumb but does vary between different people. Roughly one unit of alcohol IN THE BLOOD will produce a reading of 0.10-0.15‰BAC on a breathalyser, depending on body weight and a number of other factors. So, for example, to be at the legal limit in England, you would need to have between 5.3 and 8 units of alcohol in the blood AT THE SAME TIME. Alcohol which is still in the stomach is not in the blood and therefore is not impairing you or measurable until it is processed into the blood stream. It must be remembered that the body is constantly processing alcohol into the blood stream from the digestive system and out of the blood stream at the same time. With no food in the stomach the alcohol gets into the blood stream in 15-30 minutes after drinking, with food this can extend up to 90 minutes. Without food more alcohol enters the blood stream more quickly and you have a higher peak reading, but the time from drinking to the alcohol leaving the body is shorter. With food in the stomach the rate of absorption into the blood stream is much slower and the peak alcohol reading will be significantly lower, but from the time to drinking to the alcohol leaving the system is longer as a result of the delay in entering the blood stream.
Applying the above to the situation you describe below, each can of Stella contains 2.1 units of alcohol = total of 4.2 units. If this was all in your blood stream at the same time you would register around 0.40-0.60‰BAC. However, as you drank this over 2 hours, after eating, the body will have absorbed some of the alcohol into the blood stream but not all when you measured yourself. The body will also be processing out one unit per hour so even though you drank 4.2 units I would normally estimate you would only ever see 1-2 units in the blood at any one time. As a result this corresponds with the readings you have seen.”
Very Nice unit, very comprehensive. Good Value. Complies with BS-EN16280.

by Billinski on 2016-02-08

Firstly let me explain that I am in no way connected to AlcoSense and have not received any “reward” for providing this review, it is a genuine unbiased and truthful review.I have updated this review after now having used the AlcoSense for a while now, and after having received the most helpful clarifications from the AlcoSense Laboratory. My previous “Cons” (“Zero Reading” and see below for explanation) was unfounded as what I perceived as a limitation was in fact a result of complying with BS-EN16280 which has now also been taken as a European wide standard.Pros:-- Very useful in that it covers many countries automatically setting limit according to that country.- Uses similar fuel cell technology as the UK police, so is comparable with theirs with regards to accuracy. See the Top Gear YouTube video as evidence of this.- Nice Display that predicts you what time you will be below limit.- Remarkably easy to use.- The tubes re-usable. This is not made clear in the description so I've wasted money on buying two packs of 25 tubes - silly me.Caution:Wait at least 30 minutes between last alcohol intake and use, as described the sensor is sensitive and can be damaged by too high an alcohol concentration.Cons: None whatsoever. It would have been nice if the unit was “French NF” compliant, though since 2014 the French authorities have scrapped the fine for not carrying an NF certified breathalyser for an indefinite period. So no great shakes!Zero Readings:Do be aware, and it is stated in the instructions, the unit will not display a reading other than zero below 0.10‰BAC (0.05mg/L) because that AlcoSense have designed the unit to comply with the new British Standard (BSI) for breathalysers, BS-EN16280. The standard is actually technically a very high standard and mandates a very high level of accuracy from the product, however one quirk of this standard dictates that an reading below 0.10‰BAC (0.05mg/L) must be rounded down to ZERO and AlcoSense cannot display any other message – for example on the Elite it displays “LOW”. As this is a standard unfortunately AlcoSense cannot pick and choose which parts to comply with.Other notes provided to me by AlcoSense:“With regard to giving you an estimate of what alcohol consumption will show what reading on a breathalyser the following is a rule of thumb but does vary between different people. Roughly one unit of alcohol IN THE BLOOD will produce a reading of 0.10-0.15‰BAC on a breathalyser, depending on body weight and a number of other factors. So, for example, to be at the legal limit in England, you would need to have between 5.3 and 8 units of alcohol in the blood AT THE SAME TIME. Alcohol which is still in the stomach is not in the blood and therefore is not impairing you or measurable until it is processed into the blood stream. It must be remembered that the body is constantly processing alcohol into the blood stream from the digestive system and out of the blood stream at the same time. With no food in the stomach the alcohol gets into the blood stream in 15-30 minutes after drinking, with food this can extend up to 90 minutes. Without food more alcohol enters the blood stream more quickly and you have a higher peak reading, but the time from drinking to the alcohol leaving the body is shorter. With food in the stomach the rate of absorption into the blood stream is much slower and the peak alcohol reading will be significantly lower, but from the time to drinking to the alcohol leaving the system is longer as a result of the delay in entering the blood stream.Applying the above to the situation you describe below, each can of Stella contains 2.1 units of alcohol = total of 4.2 units. If this was all in your blood stream at the same time you would register around 0.40-0.60‰BAC. However, as you drank this over 2 hours, after eating, the body will have absorbed some of the alcohol into the blood stream but not all when you measured yourself. The body will also be processing out one unit per hour so even though you drank 4.2 units I would normally estimate you would only ever see 1-2 units in the blood at any one time. As a result this corresponds with the readings you have seen.”
Excellent Unit

by Curly on 2016-02-08

superb machine, so much better than the elite. the bars to show you how hard to blow is excellent idea as kept getting it wrong on the elite. i think anyone who likes a drink in the evening but drives in the morning should have one. could save your license or more importantly a life...
Good to have that added piece of mind the morning after.

by JBMcDon on 2016-02-07

Upgraded from an Elite unit, no calibration required before use. Good to have that added piece of mind the morning after.

by * on 2016-02-07

Just got it yesterday and 'tested' myself this morning (passed) - most useful if you want to drive
My new best friend

by Steamhead on 2016-02-06

Only used once but very impressed so far. Gives you peace of mind when driving several hours after having a couple of pints.
All drivers who drink should have one.

by The Binfield Biker. on 2016-02-05

My initial impression is that it is a well thought out high quality product which is a useful aid for any driver who may only drink in moderation. On screen instructions are simple to follow and the result of testing is easy to understand. In particular the results are educational and extremely useful in preventing inadvertent breaches of the law. I feel the unit will be very useful when abroad on holiday when perhaps one tends to over indulge in the evenings. My only minor concern is that the carrying case is rather bulky and I would prefer for travelling a soft leather case; a very minor point when considering the strengths and practicality of the unit.
AlcoSense Pro

by Shaun Alexander on 2016-02-04

No messing about with an alcohol mix to get it started like the Elite, easy to use with more information.
Absolutely brilliant

by Mr James Ure on 2016-02-04

Great machine even down to the time you are zero
AlcoSense Breathalyzers

by Colin MacKenzie on 2016-02-04

Have just purchased directly from AlcoSense the new improved version of their machine. Having been pleased with original which I bought 3-4 years ago for myself and 3 x adult children, I am delighted with the improvements to the new model in terms of multi country application, improved accuracy and 'time to sober' countdown.

Nicely styled piece of kit, especially with the neat case available as an extra.
Super Product

by Shaun on 2016-01-27

Very easy to set up and use. Clear instructions supplied with the item. Countdown indicator regarding the time you may be clear is a useful feature.
The best one to get

by Ando on 2016-01-26

Much better than the elite easier to use
Quality and accuracy. Seems very well made

by Skelly Pete on 2016-01-24

My first Breathalyzer. Have borrowed a friends one before but this is far more like a professional/police device. I'm sometimes concerned about being over the limit in the morning and this gives me the reassurance that I'm ok to drive. Simple to use and gives you an indication of when you can get behind the wheel if you blow over the limit.
Would not be without one.

by Totty on 2016-01-24

The meter is very easy to use and is a real eye opener when i tested myself the following morning after drinking the night before.
Excellent product

by Norabatty on 2016-01-23

Easy to use and like the way it tells you approx. how long you need to wait before driving. So easy to use & a great help for the morning after when you think you're fine to drive, this certainly opens your eyes to the reality. The replacement blow tubes are a tad expensive which would be my only criticism.
Buy one, you know it makes sense...

by bloodyfedup on 2016-01-22

Very smart, very simple to use, great looking, great value and does exactly what it says!
well thought out, but expensive consumables. Outstanding customer service

by camo110 on 2016-01-21

Well presented and easy to use. Blow coach very helpful.
I find the blow tube a loose fit and continually have to hold in position when using, difficult to do due to the odd angle the blow tube is angled at. Why it is not a firm press fit i dont know.
Try and do this whilst trying to keep the blow coach within the lines, raise your eyes at an acute angle whilst holding the tube in position.

I also think the cost of the blow tubes is prohibitive and excessive and may have put me off if i had seen the price prior to the unit purchase. having considerable experience of plastics these should cost pennies.

These comments should be viewed as constructive criticism - NOT complaints
I am more then satisfied with the unit
Alcosense Pro - nice unit

by YorkyGeoff on 2016-01-21

As a previous owner of an AlcoSense Elite I was not impressed. However, the company have been very fair and I now have an AlcoSense Pro to use. This unit is in every way better, and at last I have confidence in the results it produces. It is also an order of magnitude easier to use. The unit is well designed and well built. And, much more importantly, it actually works!
Pity the Elite was such a let down, but a fair recovery!
Looks Good, Works Great, What's not to like?

by Phil on 2016-01-21

Looks really smart, blow-coach is a brilliant feature, there's really nothing to not like, it works well, looks good and isn't big and bulky.
Looks good

by Yuri on 2016-01-21

I just received yesterday so have not tried yet but will send you a review after I have used it
Very good machine

by JB on 2016-01-21

Very easy to use. Like how it works big improvement on other test kits. Good value for money
A good design well executed

by Pete.G on 2016-01-21

Good design, easy to use. Easy to change jurisdictions with different limits. A must for a driving holiday where one 'might' have the occasional good night out!!!
Makes you feel so much safer...

by Bubbles... on 2016-01-21

I have had the Elite for quite a while with varying results! I bought the Pro for the morning after testing and I think its superb.
The unit is smart and the screen is big and very easy to read. I like the way it shows you how hard to blow and for how long.
I am told the accuracy of the Pro is light years ahead of the previous models and I can believe this given the technology behind this little machine.
If you like a drink in the evening and want to drive the following morning I would highly recommend this unit. May seem a lot of money to invest at the start but no where near the cost or the misery of drink driving the following morning.
Worth buying

by Bubs on 2016-01-21

Simple to set up and use. Initially I was surprised that my reading was very low after some drinks the night before but I have been reassured after some testing that the sensor works well
Well designed and engineered

by orly airport on 2016-01-21

Excellent design and easy to use
So far cannot fault what what appears to be an excellent product

by Ralphfg on 2016-01-21

The Alcosense Pro really is a leap forward. Compared to the previous product the Elite which was very good it is light years ahead and very much easier to use
Alcosense Pro

by John on 2016-01-21

Having been as alcosense elite owner for years, took the opportunity to upgrade to the pro to benefit from the advanced more accurate fuel cell technology at very competitive price. This was primary reason for change as more accurate than previous units, which is ultimately the most important quality of any breathalyser in my opinion. On receipt of unit very pleased with quality, ease of use and additional features. Would highly recommend.

by John Bates on 2015-12-31

The breathalyzer pro is very easy to use and a big improvement on the other models
AlcoSense Pro Breathalyzer

by SubaruJack (Review shared from on 2015-12-15

I've had a breathalyzer for a few years which finally gave up the ghost this month. I bought the new AlcoSense Pro as a replacement/upgrade and I'm really impressed with it. It's so easy to use and I love that it tells you how long it takes until you're sober and shows how you're blowing on the screen. It makes it so easy to use. The design is great and the build is really nice - it feels quality. Accuracy wise it seems good but I don't have anything to judge it against, but the overall feel of the product and the operation gives you confidence in the quality. I would recommend it!
A really polished product.

by Phil4 (Review shared from on 2015-12-15

I'll start by saying, that overall I'm very very impressed with this. The overall design, the lovely screen, and the way it works is top notch. So overall I'd say I'm very happy. It's very easy to use, and looks like a nice device too, much more smart and modern than older units.

If there was one stand-out feature, it would be Blow Coach. It's a really simple feature, but makes it so easy to use. As you blow the screen shows two realtime bars, one you need to keep in the middle (how hard you blow) and the other shows you how much longer to blow.

It sounds simple, but really makes it very easy to use.

The rest of the device is similarly polished, the screen is clear and bright, the device is smart. And it all works nicely.

If you've any concerns about the morning after, I'd highly recommend this to check.

AlcoSense Pro Bränslecell Alkoholmätare

Availability: Kjell & Company

2 299,03 kr