Police call for new Scottish drink-drive limit to be adopted across the UK
Monday, December 01, 2014
England's top police officers are calling for the UK drink-drive limit to be cut across the UK. They want England and Wales to follow Scotland's lead and reduce the limit to 0.05%BAC from the current UK limit of 0.08%BAC.
Deputy Chief Constable Tim Madgwick of ACPO (the Association of Chief Police Officers) speaking at a road safety conference said he was disappointed that the Government is resisitng demands for a lower limit. A Parliamentary review in 2010 - the North Report - recommended a cut which was supported by most road safety organisations and experts but the Coalition Government decided against it.
The Daily Mirror reports that it is believed to be the first time a member of ACPO has openly called for a cut to bring the whole of the UK in line with most of Europe.
A lower limit is supported by PACTS (the Parliamentary Advisory Council for Transport Safety) and road safety charities. Opinion polls also frequently record substantial public support for the lower limit.